Dr. MA Petillo
A Non-Hospital and Military Chaplain
"An Internet and Gospel Chaplain"

Stonewall Jackson
Whate'er my God ordains is right:
Holy his will abideth;
I will be still whate'er he doth;
And follow where he guideth:
He is my God: though dark my road,
He holds me that I shall not fall:
Wherefore to him I leave it all.
Whate'er my God ordains is right:
He never will deceive me;
He leads me by the proper path;
I know he will not leave me:
I take, content, what he hath sent;
His hand can turn my griefs away,
And patiently I wait his day.
Whate'er my God ordains is right:
Though now this cup, in drinking,
May bitter seem to my faint heart,
I take it, all unshrinking:
My God is true; each morn anew
Sweet comfort yet shall fill my heart,
And pain and sorrow shall depart.
Whate'er my God ordains is right:
Here shall my stand be taken;
Though sorrow, need, or death be mine,
Yet am I not forsaken;
My Father's care is round me there;
He holds me that I shall not fall:
And so to him I leave it all. (TH, 94).
Dedicated to Theodore Murphy:
The Martyr Who Was An Angel
A Non-Hospital and Military Chaplain
"An Internet and Gospel Chaplain"
Stonewall Jackson
Whate'er my God ordains is right:
Holy his will abideth;
I will be still whate'er he doth;
And follow where he guideth:
He is my God: though dark my road,
He holds me that I shall not fall:
Wherefore to him I leave it all.
Whate'er my God ordains is right:
He never will deceive me;
He leads me by the proper path;
I know he will not leave me:
I take, content, what he hath sent;
His hand can turn my griefs away,
And patiently I wait his day.
Whate'er my God ordains is right:
Though now this cup, in drinking,
May bitter seem to my faint heart,
I take it, all unshrinking:
My God is true; each morn anew
Sweet comfort yet shall fill my heart,
And pain and sorrow shall depart.
Whate'er my God ordains is right:
Here shall my stand be taken;
Though sorrow, need, or death be mine,
Yet am I not forsaken;
My Father's care is round me there;
He holds me that I shall not fall:
And so to him I leave it all. (TH, 94).
Dedicated to Theodore Murphy:
The Martyr Who Was An Angel
Dedicated to Treebeard:
The Forgotten Forest
1. The civil change of a human
being should not be the primacy or supremacy of importance for civil criminals.
2. The redemptive change of
human beings should be the primacy or supremacy of importance for civil criminals.
3. The redemptive change will
follow a civil change, but a civil change will not always follow a redemptive
change. The ultimate aim in the ultimate
betterment of a free republic-democracy in society is the regenerating presence
of God the Spirit and His Word. Luther
said “sin boldly” if the wicked seek injustice, but the Puritans would also say
that let us not be ashamed of our repentance.
What does it mean? It means
sometimes the obvious of doing right is the only way to stand for Jesus though it
may cost us everything. Repentance is
not “Aha! Aha! I have seen it and now you will pay!” Rather repentance is “Praise God that such a
one is now seeking the face of Jesus and he is really forgiven!” Do not further the wrong over the right, but
the right over the wrong.
4. All things should be
focused on the redemptive change no matter what (will you endure all things for
the sake of the elect in 2 Timothy 2:10?), because the redemptive
change is about the ultimate good and what is always right according to the
glory of Jesus Christ.
5. All things should not be
centered on a civil change unless it will follow a redemptive change.
6. There is a civil change
that leads to city life that is unto justice like Cain, but for some of the
non-elect there is an outward civil change that leads to suicide like Judas
7. The punishment for overall
criminals of every degree for the never-converted non-elect is divine judgment apart
from civil prosecution and imprisonment where they become vessels of abiding wrath
as they walk along life’s road for ultimate damnation.
8. It is possible to have a
murderer be sentenced to life imprisonment and come to a redemptive change, but
it is possible to put to death a civil criminal who has a civil seeking unto
the things of God but end in the execution of the death penalty and eternal
9. It is possible to know through
God’s outworking providence if a fallen sinner who has violated the civil law
has the path to lead to “death row” but not every fallen sinner who has
violated the civil law should be put to the path of “death row” if it is not
prescribed by a holy God and His plan of ultimate justice, because it has been divinely
satisfied through the cosmic propitiatory sacrifice of the divine Lamb of God
(Jesus Christ alone).
10. Many “devil devils” will
object to the ancient practice of the death penalty, because of the practice of
hidden lawlessness like the Papists.
11. Revenge is not a matter of
fallen sinners or the civil magistrate, but just vengeance is what the civil
government partakes. It is like angel
armies partaking of the power of Jesus Christ, but fallen sinners should not
partake of revenge.
12. A holy Triune God sometimes
works above, against and beyond secondary means (creation and pre-Incarnate
appearance in the Old Testament of God the Son) and it further He does not
necessarily need fallen man and civil government unless in His all-wise counsel
He chooses to use secondary means to further His cosmic purpose.
13. For example, the old Balaam
fell in ancient battle in that a holy Triune God had the very darkness of
Balaam smite him in physical combat. A
holy Triune God can use combat to recompense His enemies’ justice before ultimate
justice but also unto an ultimate justice that spends eternity in everlasting gnashing
of teeth and outer darkness.
14. It is possible for a
murderer to be sentenced to life imprisonment and yield only an outward
appearance of “change” when it is not a true or civil or redemptive change. That is, this is like the masquerade of Satan
as an angel of light.
15. Sometimes because of cosmic
treason (sin) there can be multiple judgments of civil authorities and
government and a holy God opposed to a civil violator of the civil and moral
law of God.
16. It is possible for a
murderer and a rapist as one person to be a pre-converted elect sinner but
before the choosing by a holy Triune God he or she finds himself on the wrong
side of warfare, but a faithful Triune Creator and Redeemer according to His
time saves in time and space those who are His after the sins of the
pre-converted elect no matter what spiritual, moral or civil crimes he or she
has committed: namely, behold the offense of the superlative Cross of Jesus
Christ for His chosen outcasts (for example, the apostle Paul).
17. There are some elect
sinners who would benefit by the Word preached in light of Reformed Orthodoxy
in a judicial system that assigns this divine task to the local church, but
also adjusts their prison system. That
is, an ecumenical approach has had the opposite effect. How?
It cannot produce a redemptive change but potentially a civil change,
but what is a civil change worth if it is not a mind-and-heart change in the
sense of God’s salvational presence? Dear
Waldron, behold the tears of Esau, but you ought to seek the tears of Peter!
18. There is a true
chemical balance in the human brain whether elect or non-elect, but moral crime
is still crime and violations of the law are still violations of the law. However, in light of these facts there is
recognition of compassion in both cases: namely, the elect unto mercy and the
non-elect unto justice. Merciful
compassion for an offender that has Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is not a
violation of the law. Rather let God be
God: namely, He will work out His corrective judgment in chastening that is not
the excuse of the flames of purgatory, but the non-meritorious correction by a
holy God that adds nothing to the only true and real merit of merits in Jesus.
19. There are supernatural
words like a holy God judging Cain that surpasses words of the civil
authorities, but also yields a greater judgment and cosmic purpose and meaning.
20. There is a civil
restraining grace among the non-elect that is different than the converted
elect. That is, the difference simply is
the non-elect do not have the Spirit in them but the converted elect have the
Spirit in them. What does this mean
concerning the civil law? It means true
Christians will obey the law of God by the Spirit but the non-elect have a
civil obedience to the law. The Spirit
of God is better than a civil obedience, because it is ultimately good. If you care merely for the outward appearance
of keeping the law, it is better to keep the law inwardly as well as outwardly
but not just outwardly.
21. The prophets of the Old
Testament were law enforcers of the moral law of God for obedience that pointed
them to the ultimate and higher righteousness and remission than the Cross of
Jesus Christ.
22. There is a civil
restraining grace among the pre-converted elect before they come to know
Christ, but it is with a greater emphasis than a mere civil restraining grace
in light of the presence of the Triune God after God alone chooses them in time
and space.
23. There is no problem that
heaven cannot solve. This ultimately
means that justice is satisfied at the Cross of Jesus Christ not for everyone
but for those to whom it is intended. It
is a higher justice than anything the earthly court system can yield.
24. The other justice that does
not redeem is the place of everlasting hell.
25. The aim for all people
should be the divine satisfaction of Christ at His Cross in the place of God’s
place alone through the Word preached but it is how God intends to use it
whether for conviction of sin unto remission or for attrition-like awareness of
sin unto judgment.
26. There is a sense also where
Incarnate Deity (Jesus Christ alone) has let the blind alone to fall into the
pit: namely, they will get repaid by their own sinfulness of sin whether for
ultimate justice by God’s choice or a holy God will change it for a real
spiritual awakening for Christian humility unto ultimate mercy, but in whatever
case it is for the holy and eternal glory of Incarnate Majesty (Jesus Christ).
27. There is a sense where
there is knowledge of wrongdoing (for example, we know Peter denied Christ),
but there is also a real sense where Jesus has already taken that upon Himself
through the propitiation and expiation of the Cross.
28. A holy Triune God is able
to work through secondary means to accomplish His sovereign purpose, but it
does not mean fallen man and fallen Lucifer is sovereign. There is no sovereignty of God’s fallen
creatures, but this is what evil times yield.
You must imitate a holy God in terms of His holiness but not as a
demi-god. How does man respond? To sum it up for you it simply means to do
whatsoever is right.
29. It is better to let a civil
offender go through the non-justice of legitimate mercy (not more injustice)
than release a civil offender through more injustice (non-mercy). In other words, every fallen sinner on earth
has a specific plan to undergo by a holy foredetermined God: namely, it is not
all necessarily the same. Moreover,
justice is not preserved through the practice of an unholy bended knee or any
immoral evils for that matter. That is,
this does not preserve justice but furthers injustice.
30. To the best of your
knowledge in light of the infallible Scriptures, preserve the dignity and honor
of justice, mercy and liberty in the honor of Jesus through seeking excellence
unto an aim for God’s Triune majesty without sexual favors. Do not partake of the group of the end times
described in Revelation chapter 18, because a holy God is not the author of
injustice. Rather a holy Triune God is
author of holiness, justice and mercy without the darkness of cosmic villainy
in light of God’s perfect holiness: namely, a standard that none come to by
nature. Rather it is a foreign
righteousness imputed by faith alone.
31. It is possible to change
the behavior of a elect and non-elect sinners through a balance of chemicals in
the human brain, but not every elect sinner that has the Spirit will adjust to
a true balance in the human brain, but also not all non-elect sinners will
adjust in light of a chemical imbalance that do not have the Spirit. It depends on what God does in all things as
He pleases.
32. There should not be unjust
classifications of crimes to further some injustice by a government that sways
the facts for its favor only because it’s the government: namely, the
preservation of intelligence is at stake because of the necessity and nature of
truth. Something classified could be a real unknown but actual criminality by appearance but also hidden in a hyper-civil mechanism that furthers crime with an unwilling will when the victim is dependent upon his "controller behind the scene" that is independent upon himself through a hidden satanic, brainwashed but psychological warfare that is dependent upon the "demi-god" behind the scene like "men enslaved to men" in something like "terror-controlled drowns" in utter orchestration, manipulation, exploitation and serious manifestation of criminal and abnormal behavior of "men enslaved to men" that results in a premeditated, commission and acts of crime (whether murder and/or rape) and it can even happen in federal court by "controlling" the testimony of those who are to be exposed: namely, to break free is a unseen battle that is liberated through the adjustment of the hyper-induced second cause (fallen men and women on whatever side is being fought). The person stuck with the crime is in a "set-up" by the controller of the outward crime. I have discovered this through a situation I went through myself by the "group of the end times." It is a real threat to national security, freedom, law and the warfare of a democratic-republic. In studying sin from theology, suppose this happens to a pre-converted elect person or later a Christian or both? What should be done before a holy God in light of sin? All of this is true but we must take full responsibility before a holy God and always end up on the side of the forgiveness of the gospel even when we are not sure if it is totally us: namely, the honor of Jesus is at stake and I leave no stone unturned even though I believe this is the case. The greater sin belongs to Judas (modern day Mr. Gomes), but Pilate (Judge Kilgallen) has done the lesser sin. Tell me Mr. and Mrs. Balaam, what is truth? No doubt it is Jesus Christ and He will deal with you face to face in His own timing whether a personal encounter now or at the Last Day.
33. We ought to be like William Wallace that fights for freedom even when we get torn apart, but also like Stonewall Jackson that furthers the gospel before taking up warfare with His brothers either in Adam or in Christ. Let me say that in a Day of Grace there should not be warfare among Christians, but in some sense there will always be evil unto the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Why is it this way? Human beings are not all-wise, but a holy Triune God is all-wise. That is, He is working out His ultimate, hidden and meticulous purpose of Himself to bring His dear Son all the majestic glory. Why? Because a holy Triune God always does what is right.
William Wallace
To thee, our God, we fly
For mercy and for grace:
O hear our lowly cry,
And hide not thou thy face:
O Lord, stretch forth thy mighty hand,
And guard and bless our fatherland.
Arise, O Lord of Hosts;
Be jealous for thy Name,
And drive from out our coasts
The sins that put to shame:
The powers ordained by thee
With heav'nly wisdom bless;
May they thy servants be,
And rule in righteousness:
The church of thy dear Son
Inflame with love's pure fire;
Bind her once more in one,
And life and truth inspire:
Give peace, Lord, in our time;
O let no foe draw nigh,
Nor lawless deed of crime
Insult thy majesty: (TH, 618).
33. We ought to be like William Wallace that fights for freedom even when we get torn apart, but also like Stonewall Jackson that furthers the gospel before taking up warfare with His brothers either in Adam or in Christ. Let me say that in a Day of Grace there should not be warfare among Christians, but in some sense there will always be evil unto the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Why is it this way? Human beings are not all-wise, but a holy Triune God is all-wise. That is, He is working out His ultimate, hidden and meticulous purpose of Himself to bring His dear Son all the majestic glory. Why? Because a holy Triune God always does what is right.
William Wallace
To thee, our God, we fly
For mercy and for grace:
O hear our lowly cry,
And hide not thou thy face:
O Lord, stretch forth thy mighty hand,
And guard and bless our fatherland.
Arise, O Lord of Hosts;
Be jealous for thy Name,
And drive from out our coasts
The sins that put to shame:
The powers ordained by thee
With heav'nly wisdom bless;
May they thy servants be,
And rule in righteousness:
The church of thy dear Son
Inflame with love's pure fire;
Bind her once more in one,
And life and truth inspire:
Give peace, Lord, in our time;
O let no foe draw nigh,
Nor lawless deed of crime
Insult thy majesty: (TH, 618).
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