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2 Thessalonians 2:8 NASB "...Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming..."
To thee, our God, we fly
For mercy and for grace:
O hear our lowly cry,
And hide not thou thy face:
O Lord, stretch forth thy mighty hand,
And guard and bless our fatherland.
Arise, O Lord of Hosts;
Be jealous for thy Name,
And drive from out our coasts
The sins that put to shame:
The powers ordained by thee
With heav'nly wisdom bless;
May they thy servants be,
And rule in righteousness:
The church of thy dear Son
Inflame with love's pure fire;
Bind her once more in one,
And life and truth inspire:
Give peace, Lord, in our time;
O let no foe draw nigh,
Nor lawless deed of crime
Insult thy majesty (TH, 618).
For mercy and for grace:
O hear our lowly cry,
And hide not thou thy face:
O Lord, stretch forth thy mighty hand,
And guard and bless our fatherland.
Arise, O Lord of Hosts;
Be jealous for thy Name,
And drive from out our coasts
The sins that put to shame:
The powers ordained by thee
With heav'nly wisdom bless;
May they thy servants be,
And rule in righteousness:
The church of thy dear Son
Inflame with love's pure fire;
Bind her once more in one,
And life and truth inspire:
Give peace, Lord, in our time;
O let no foe draw nigh,
Nor lawless deed of crime
Insult thy majesty (TH, 618).
"...It is a hard
lesson to live above the law, and yet to walk according to the law. But this is the lesson a Christian has to
learn, to walk in the law in respect of duty, but to live above it in respect
of comfort, neither expecting favour from the law in
respect of his obedience nor fearing harsh treatment from the law in respect of
his failing..." (Samuel Bolton, The True Bonds of Christian Freedom,
1. Lawlessness is a picture of the activity of damnation for the faithless.
2. Lawlessness is a picture of every unregenerate sinner before the holy presence of God.
3. Lawlessness will be punished in the place of eternal hell where darkness fadeth not away and the flames make a gnashing of teeth in consuming torment and terror by the Triune Living God.
4. Punishment for the lawless is meticulous foredetermined and designed torment in the place of hell by a holy Triune God that is everlasting and eternal self-existent holiness where no sin resides.
5. The lawless are spiritual children of Cain.
6. The lawless are spiritual children of Balaam.
7. The lawless are spiritual children of Judas Iscariot.
8. Christians should not practice lawlessness to advance in life but engage in godly prayer and godly deeds.
9. There is a lawless indulgence among Christians that is fornication at will to get what you want! You put Rome to shame O preverse people! The stench has quenched the air and the deeds prepared for darkness!
10. There is a cosmic villainy that is imitation of lawless reprobates headed to hell.
11. Christians are to imitate the moral purity of St. Paul who follows Jesus Christ.
12. Imagine if Christians imitated the sinless life of Jesus Christ? Do you see that there would be no lawlessness? How lawlessness it casted out in the life of Jesus Christ! O sinner, why do you practice lawlessness when Jesus lived sinlessly?
13. Moses followed the perfect life of Jesus Christ that is a picture of the moral law, but he failed because he was a sinner.
14. Bring your sins to Jesus, but struggling with sin is not habitual sin.
15. Habitual sin is a way of lawless reprobates.
16. Struggling with sin is the way of Christians.
17. Habitual sin is sinning to the max with no forgiveness by a holy Triune God.
18. Struggling with sin is the way of Christians who practice a life of repentance unto life and redeeming the time.
19. Habitual sin is attrition and godless immorality where people plan numerous fornications to advance their souls in something in life where it militates God's indignation.
20. Struggling with sin is sinning but reflecting God's positional truth through Christ.
21. We ought to reflect God's positional truth in experiential terms wheresoever possible.
22. The Christian sinner brings their sins to Jesus and lives after the manner of the sinless life of Jesus Christ.
23. The Christian in a shattered image is so far removed from holiness by nature touching original sin and actual transgressions.
24. It takes God to sustain the Christian sinner by His very Person and infallible oath rooted in God's unchanging written Word alone.
25. The Lord puts to death the lifeless life of death-bound reprobates as they live in darkness that is a flame brought from hell that sustains their life to abound in sin that covers the earth in shadow.
26. Reprobates are a spiritually dead people who are alive and active for radical corruptions in an example of consuming lawlessness.
27. Reprobates dips throw them in overflowing wickedness in the black darkness of abounding sinfulness of sin.
28. Lawless reprobates are like a garbage dump that leaves behind trash wherever they are able that stinks the streets with complete pollution and abounding darkness of filth.
29. The lawless reprobate's soul is like black soot.
30. The mind of reprobates are radically deformed.
31. The heart of reprobates are completely over-ridden with villainy steeped in darkness.
32. Those that over-ride the primacy of the heart and mind for reprobates increase the depth of the degree of sin in such a way that is at the gates of hell or already in the pit of destruction.
33. True Christians are not lawless.
34. St. Paul stood before Antichrist but refuted Nero, but caused his end in triumphant victory.
35. Nero was slain by King Jesus.
36. True Christians love the moral law of God.
37. True Christians love Jesus because it points them back to Him in confessional repentance.
38. The Lord shall slay all lawless children of Nero.
39. King Jesus will never partake of lawlessness.
40. Nero was spiritually blind unto sin abundant.
41. Nero was spiritually deaf unto wicked lawlessness that overflowed in destruction.
42. Nero was no god, but a stench-bound whoremaster who never arrived at his office through King Jesus but the second cause of fallen Lucifer unto the glory of the justice of Jesus Christ.
43. Nero was behind all evil among world villains.
44. There is no worse example of Antichrist than Nero, because he fulfills the Bible's prophecy.
45. There is a lawless leadership of Romanism, but it is impossible to help them unto spiritual salvation.
46. The lawless Pope Benedict is a picture of damnation unto a Benedictine order, but Pope Francis I unto a Jesuit Franciscan order.
47. The new Balaam is lawless, because he is damned.
48. Roman's leaders are not the priesthood of believers, but the leaders of the kings of hell.
49. True Christians are doormat's of Jesus Christ.
50. It is better to be a doormat of Jesus Christ than a king of hell.
51. It is better to be obedient to Jesus Christ than a lawless rebel.
52. Imagine if a person was abounding in lawfulness instead of lawlessness? Does it earn redemption? Have you not read a Word of the Bible? It adds to salvation in no way, because you are merely a creature and a sinner.
53. Foredetermined lawfulness is about doing good after a profession of Christian faith, but none of this saves but Christ alone in how someone is right before a holy God.
54. The perfect picture of lawfulness is Christ.
55. True Christians are perfect touching a positional truth through Christ alone.
56. Imagine if this was reflected in our life in a practical sense?
57. There is so much radical and complete corruption due to our sin natures in thoughts, words and deeds we could hardly attain anything but God's indignation.
58. Yet because of the Spirit we have the gift of created-and-ordained gifts of His Hand in good deeds that could only be from Him alone and not us but do more speak of the loveliness of Jesus and His kind provision but adds nothing to Christ alone but demonstrates our faith because of God's sheer goodness!
59. The unconverted are lawless beginning at conception.
60. The unconverted are criminals from conception.
61. The unconverted are terrorists from conception.
62. Radical transformation happens by Christ.
63. Reformation without monergism is worthless.
64. Reformational monergism is the work of the Spirit of God and Word of God.
65. Meticulous monergism is like Jesus calling the sinner by his particular name in the late summer of 2004 to me to counter Rome in July 1994, "MICHAEL COME FORTH!"
66. The lawless Balaam counters monergism by saying "No, you were born by another spirit. I know because I sent him. There is no way out. Give up your faith because you have none."
67. The Spirit comes with the Word against Balaam Judas, "Surely a son not a servant! Whence cometh this spirit save Me from the Father and the Son? Here is My child! and you cannot undo him! He is mine and faith is his to God! Depart back to the abyss, O villain of treachery!"
68. What good comes from a heart of stone except lawless deeds that only demonstrate a forsaken heart abandoned to civil goodness that is worthy of hell?
69. The problem of sin comes down to idolatry.
70. Idolatry is the greatest weapon by Satan against a fallen world.
71. The fallen unregenerate people of Satan are so far removed from the extra nos of Jesus Christ that idolatry is somewhere lurking in the darkness of their souls to cast them in a deeper abyss of the blackness of shadow in hopes of clouds of heaven that only merit fires of hell.
74. True Christians do not merit heaven in anyway whatsoever in the least to the greatest, in part or in whole, particularly or generally, but Christ alone merits heaven in justification by faith alone in His sinless life and death by virtue of His resurrection.
75. Lawlessness is the way of Satan and demons.
76. Lawlessness is the life of reprobates.
77. Lawlessness is also a comfort that excuses truth.
78. Hell is a unrestrained evil in an abandonment to the kinds of lawlessness where every flames quenches every sin and every lawless deed is countered by the darkness that smites them!
79. No TRUE Christian will suffer the flames of hell or the darkness of the abyss, but they triumph over the flames of sin and the darkness of lawlessness!
80. Words without true deeds are like an ocean of darkness.
81. Deeds without true words are like a wind in the desert.
82. No devil stops lawlessness because it is his nature, but God is the only One who stops it.
83. Lawlessness is ordained by God as the First Cause to be a vessel of wrath through the author of sin as the second cause of retribution unto hell.
84. Lawlessness is for the purpose of the glory of the eternal Son in just fury in foredetermined vessels of wrathful justice that is a set apart wrath that never ceases but a justice that everlasting for the glory of Jesus Christ.
85. The joys of enslaved Christians unto perfection is the joy of the everlasting Word.
86. Everyone pictures Jesus Christ as only Incarnate Mercy, but He is to His people alone touching redemption and yet, He is Incarnate Wrath for those who are finally and full reprobates for everlasting destruction due to His all-wise plan.
87. There is a judgment unto chastening for God's people who are spiritually awakened by the Spirit and Word after monergistic quickening.
88. The all-wise plan of a holy Triune God is justice for His chosen unto ultimate wrath due to leaving, hiding and tormenting them unto justice, but for His chosen unto ultimate mercy due to His saving, helping and redeeming them unto mercy.
89. Whether for mercy or justice it is all about Jesus Christ in His honor, glory, praise and laud.
90. Why are some given justice and some given mercy? It is up to an all-wise Triune God.
91. If a holy Triune God is all-wise, how can anyone question whether for justice or mercy?
92. The good of justice is all-wisdom by God.
93. The good of mercy is all-wisdom by God.
94. No one who receives justice gets mercy.
95. No one who receives mercy gets justice.
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Rise, my soul, to watch and pray,
From thy sleep awaken;
Be not by the evil day
Unawares o'ertaken.
For the foe,
Well we know,
Oft his harvest reapeth
While the Christian sleepeth.
Watch against the devil's snares
Lest asleep he find thee;
For indeed no pains he spares
To deceive and blind thee.
Satan's prey
Oft are they
Who secure are sleeping
And no watch are keeping.
Watch! Let not the wicked world
With its pow'r defeat thee.
Watch lest with her pomp unfurled
She betray and cheat thee.
Watch and see
Lest there be
Faithless friends to charm thee,
Who but seek to harm thee.
Watch against thyself, my soul,
Lest with grace thou trifle;
Let not self thy thoughts control
Nor God's mercy stifle.
Pride and sin
Lurk within
All thy hopes to scatter;
Heed not when they flatter.
But while watching, also pray
To the Lord unceasing.
He will free thee, be thy stay,
Strength and faith increasing.
O Lord, bless
In distress
And let nothing swerve me
From the will to serve thee. (TH, 476).
From thy sleep awaken;
Be not by the evil day
Unawares o'ertaken.
For the foe,
Well we know,
Oft his harvest reapeth
While the Christian sleepeth.
Watch against the devil's snares
Lest asleep he find thee;
For indeed no pains he spares
To deceive and blind thee.
Satan's prey
Oft are they
Who secure are sleeping
And no watch are keeping.
Watch! Let not the wicked world
With its pow'r defeat thee.
Watch lest with her pomp unfurled
She betray and cheat thee.
Watch and see
Lest there be
Faithless friends to charm thee,
Who but seek to harm thee.
Watch against thyself, my soul,
Lest with grace thou trifle;
Let not self thy thoughts control
Nor God's mercy stifle.
Pride and sin
Lurk within
All thy hopes to scatter;
Heed not when they flatter.
But while watching, also pray
To the Lord unceasing.
He will free thee, be thy stay,
Strength and faith increasing.
O Lord, bless
In distress
And let nothing swerve me
From the will to serve thee. (TH, 476).
"...I do not
believe that any man can preach the gospel who does not preach the law. The law
is the needle, and you cannot draw the silken thread of the gospel through a
man's heart unless you first send the needle of the law to make way for it. If
men do not understand the law, they will not feel that they are sinners. And if
they are not consciously sinners, they will never value the sin offering. There
is no healing a man till the law has wounded him, no making him alive till the
law has slain him...." (C.H. Spurgeon).
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