Michael Andrew Petillo
Doctor of Theology, Fall 04 and
Adjunct Professor, Fall 13

Doctor of Theology, Fall 04 and
Adjunct Professor, Fall 13
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Colossians 2:6-7 KJV "...As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving..."
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Blessed Lord, in thee is refuge,
Safety for my trembling soul:
Pow'r to lift my head when drooping
'Midst the angry billow's roll.
I will trust thee,
I will trust thee,
I will trust thee,
All my life thou shalt control.
In the past, too, unbelieving,
'Midst the tempest I have been,
And my heart has slowly trusted
What my eyes have never seen.
Blessed Jesus,
Blessed Jesus,
Blessed Jesus,
Teach me on thine arm to lean.
O, for trust that brings the triumph
When defeat seems strangely near;
O, for faith that changes fighting
Into vict'ry's ringing cheer!
Faith triumphant,
Faith triumphant,
Faith triumphant,
Knowing not defeat or fear. (TH, 420).
Safety for my trembling soul:
Pow'r to lift my head when drooping
'Midst the angry billow's roll.
I will trust thee,
I will trust thee,
I will trust thee,
All my life thou shalt control.
In the past, too, unbelieving,
'Midst the tempest I have been,
And my heart has slowly trusted
What my eyes have never seen.
Blessed Jesus,
Blessed Jesus,
Blessed Jesus,
Teach me on thine arm to lean.
O, for trust that brings the triumph
When defeat seems strangely near;
O, for faith that changes fighting
Into vict'ry's ringing cheer!
Faith triumphant,
Faith triumphant,
Faith triumphant,
Knowing not defeat or fear. (TH, 420).
1. We receive Jesus Christ by God's Spirit.
2. Receiving Jesus Christ does not ever come from our sinful nature.
3. We are not born of the libertarian freedom of sinful man because we are passive and no good.
4. There is compatibilistic freedom that fallen man is the caused second cause of the responsibility of sin while God is the first cause who control all things as He works our His purpose.
5. Thankful faith is by God's Spirit and Word.
6. There is thanksgiving before a holy God.
7. There is thanksgiving in the written Word.
8. Believing on Jesus is the work of God.
9. Resting on Jesus is not native to man's sinful nature, because he is totally depraved.
10. Believing the Father's design is by the Spirit.
11. Resting on the Spirit is through the Word.
12. Be thankful when all hell breaks loose, because those who rest on Jesus by the Spirit will have great tribulation in a world of great sin.
13. Receiving Jesus does not come from baptismal waters with Roman oil but it comes with spiritual rebirth by the Spirit and Word.
14. Walking with Jesus is placing your hand in His hand and He will see you through.
15. Jesus runs to His chosen and grants compassion because of the regenerating work of the Spirit.
16. Jesus is Lord by the Spirit of God.
17. Christ is the title of Jesus by the Word of God.
18. Jesus walks among those who are out casts and He embraces them by His Spirit and Word.
19. Jesus Christ is the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity by the awakening presence of the Spirit.
20. It is possible to have a civil awakening of Jesus but not be redemptively born again.
21. Those that are born again have Jesus by the Spirit in an spiritual awakening that constitutes redemption for God's chosen people in Christ.
22. Christ Jesus is a way to say that we do not know Jesus after the sinful flesh, but after the perfect holiness of the Triune God.
23. If someone is believing he will walk in Jesus.
24. What does it mean to walk in Jesus? It means to live according to the Spirit and Word.
25. We are planted in Jesus by the Spirit and Word.
26. We are grounded in Jesus by the Holy Ghost.
27. We are rooted in Jesus by the Spirit of God.
28. Those who are rooted in Christ will grow.
29. If there is no growth there was no root.
30. Growth is a foredetermined demonstration.
31. Those who do not have growth have no genuine spiritual awakening by the Spirit and Word.
32. Habitual self-willed growth devoid of the Spirit and Word is evidence of sin unto damnation.
33. No growth no Spirit.
34. No Spirit no growth.
35. No root no growth.
36. No growth no root.
37. No Jesus no walk.
38. Be established in Jesus.
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39. The purity of the Bible teaches all about Jesus.
40. If its about Jesus its about thanksgiving.
41. If its about thanksgiving its about Jesus.
42. Jesus is all about the purity of the Word.
43. Ignorant of the Word ignorant of Jesus.
44. Ignorant of Jesus ignorant of the Word.
45. Never believe in Jesus never walk in Him.
46. Never walk in Him never believe in Him.
47. Thankful of Jesus thankful of His Word.
48. Faith in Jesus is resting in Him.
49. Resting in Him is faith in Jesus.
50. Established in Jesus is also standing for Him.
51. Standing for Jesus is firm faith in Him.
52. Teaching is subjective if not based on the Word.
53. If based on the Word teaching is objective.
54. The Word is about faith in Jesus.
55. Jesus taught the Word about His truth.
56. Live by the truth of Jesus in every way.
57. The truth of Jesus is to live by Him in thought.
58. The truth of Christ is to live by Him in words.
59. The truth of Jesus is to live by Him in deeds.
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60. Living by Him means living right.
61. Living right does not mean a lawless-like practice of literal fornication for advancement.
62. Living right does not mean a church-going people who commit physical fornication.
63. Living right does not mean using a pre-converted elect sinner for "sarifice" to advance in life through deep wrongdoing.
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64. If you also commit fornication here and there depending on knowledge of the place of fornication it is like spitting in the face of Jesus and nailing to the Cross but this is especially vile and wicked for those who are of the spiritual family of Jesus Christ.
65. Fornication for the people of God is a lawless example in a certain sense that shows by example to the public community that monstrosity-like lawlessness is permitted by the heathen because of the excuse of the Christian fornicators.
66. Christian fornicators in the local church are responsible for a immoral society in some sense.
Quotation on "Genuine Religion":
"...True religion is . . .
practical. It is a thing of the heart—and not merely
external religious forms. True religion is a living principle in the soul . . . influencing the mind, alluring the affections, guiding the will, directing and enlightening the conscience. True religion is a supreme—not a subordinate matter. It demands and obtains the throne of the soul. It guides the whole character—and requires the whole man and all his conduct to be in subordination. True religion is not an occasional thing—but habitual. It takes up its abode in the heart—and not merely visits it at certain times and at particular seasons. True religion is not a partial thing—but universal. It does not confine itself to certain times, places, and occasions—but forms an integral part of the character—and blends with everything we do. True religion is noble and lofty—not an abject, servile, and groveling thing. It communes . . .
with God,
with truth,
with holiness,
with heaven,
with eternity,
with infinity! True religion is a happy—and not a melancholy thing. It gives peace that passes understanding, and joy that is unspeakable, and full of glory! True religion is a durable—and not a transient thing. It . . .passes with us through life, lies down with us on the pillow of death, rises with us at the last day, and dwells in our souls in heaven as the very element of eternal life! Such is true religion—the most sublime thing in the world—sent down to be our comforter on earth—and our guide to everlasting life through all this gloomy valley!"(J. A. James, "The Young Man Leaving Home" 1844)
67. An astray leading example of profound lawlessness is the present state of the Christian church in pre-mid-post 1994.
68. So-called lawless Christians Jesus will forgive but its a commission of sin through a temporary obedience.
69. Temporary obedience is really subject to the lawlessness of sin rather than the ruling kingship of the sold-out obedience of Christ.
70. Physical fornication is excused by "everyone sins" similar to Rome in that they say "we are only human."
71. If sin is excused we have a society of sin (now).
72. Where are the days of Justin the Martyr where we are praised for no fornication as the main-stream practice of God's people?
73. Do you break God's command of being rooted in Him by occasional literal fornication for a time of so-called relief and advancement? It is nothing more than the pleasure and comfort of Satan himself that you have availed that God hates and where the just chastening of God falls.
74. The excuse of the Cross for advancement in sin through literal fornication is forbidden by sinning so that grace may abound. May corrective judgment fall hard upon them!
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75. Literal fornication is not walking in Jesus.
76. Understanding theology for the honor of Jesus is different than the dishonor of excusing sin.
77. Excusing sin is like asking God, "when will I have the chance to injury You again by my sin and now I take the opportunity to dishonor God?"
78. Sinning so grace abounds is wrath.
79. Wrath is God turning sinners over to justice.
80. A season of sin teaches humility.
81. Word-based Humility is evidence of the Spirit.
82. A civil humility is like telling God in a pious religiosity "this flame of hell is not high or hot enough!"
83. Walking in Jesus is standing for Jesus.
84. Living for Jesus is a gift of His Hand.
85. Nothing adds to the sole imputed unified merit of Jesus Christ because He alone is the sinless God-man in behalf of His chosen people.
86. Total depravity is not an excuse to sin.
87. Radical corruption is not permission to lawlessness or any sin.
88. Falling into sin points us to the Cross of Jesus.
89. The Cross of Jesus is about mercy through the death of Jesus Christ.
90. The death of Jesus is a picture of the purity of the God-holiness, righteousness and meritorious merit imputed to His people by heaven-born faith.
91. How does one get established in the faith? It takes a born again Christian through the honor of Spirit-led practice in devotions to Jesus to grow in the root of the Christian faith.
92. Faith established in Christ alone is by the Spirit's Word and the Word's Spirit.
93. Conviction of sin is by the Spirit.
94. The Spirit's presence means active faith.
95. Receiving Christ will result in following Him but following Him does not mean Rome: namely, it means following Jesus though He leads through shadows of darkness against the smoke of Satan and flames of the abyss that are scorched on earth by the objects of wrath that kindle an eternal justice for the enemy but demonstrates the faithfulness of the good Lord unto justice against evil tyranny, sovereignty and corrupted freedom.
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O Splendor of God's glory bright,
From light eternal bringing light,
Thou light of light, light's living Spring,
True Day, all days illumining:
Come, very Sun of heaven's love,
In lasting radiance from above,
And pour the Holy Spirit's ray
On all we think or do today.
And now to thee our prayers ascend,
O Father, glorious without end;
We plead with sovereign grace for pow'r
To conquer in temptation's hour.
Confirm our will to do the right,
And keep our hearts from envy's blight;
Let faith her eager fires renew,
And hate the false, and love the true.
O joyful be the passing day
With thoughts as pure as morning's ray,
With faith like noontide shining bright,
Our souls unshadowed by the night.
Dawn's glory gilds the earth and skies,
Let him, our perfect Morn, arise,
The work in God the Father one,
The Father imaged in the Son. (TH, 56).
From light eternal bringing light,
Thou light of light, light's living Spring,
True Day, all days illumining:
Come, very Sun of heaven's love,
In lasting radiance from above,
And pour the Holy Spirit's ray
On all we think or do today.
And now to thee our prayers ascend,
O Father, glorious without end;
We plead with sovereign grace for pow'r
To conquer in temptation's hour.
Confirm our will to do the right,
And keep our hearts from envy's blight;
Let faith her eager fires renew,
And hate the false, and love the true.
O joyful be the passing day
With thoughts as pure as morning's ray,
With faith like noontide shining bright,
Our souls unshadowed by the night.
Dawn's glory gilds the earth and skies,
Let him, our perfect Morn, arise,
The work in God the Father one,
The Father imaged in the Son. (TH, 56).
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