Friday, November 1, 2013

95-Disputations on Ephesians 1:18 and Spiritually Awakened & Enlightened Saints

Ephesians 1:18 KJV  "The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints..."

One day when heaven was filled with his praises,
One day when sin was as black as could be,
Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin—
Dwelt amongst men, my example is he!
Living, he loved me; dying, he saved me;
Buried, he carried my sins far away;
Rising, he justified freely, for ever:
One day he's coming—O, glorious day!
One day they led him up Calvary's mountain,
One day they nailed him to die on the tree;
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected:
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is he!
One day they left him alone in the garden,
One day he rested, from suffering free;
Angels came down o'er his tomb to keep vigil;
Hope of the hopeless, my Saviour is he!
One day the grave could conceal him no longer,
One day the stone rolled away from the door;
Then he arose, over death he had conquered;
Now is ascended, my Lord evermore!
One day the trumpet will sound for his coming,
One day the skies with his glories will shine;
Wonderful day, my beloved ones bringing;
Glorious Saviour, this Jesus is mine!   (TH, 689).

1.)  The awakening of God's people is by His Spirit.

2.)  The spiritual eyes of God's people is His Word.

3.)  The spiritual eyes of God's people is God's Spirit.

4.)  The awakened sinner is enlightened by holy God.

5.)  The eyes of the heart see Jesus when He enables.

6.)  The enlightened sinner is by God's Spirit and Word.

7.)  The enlightened sinner has eyes that see Jesus.

8.)  The awakened sinner knows God by love.

9.)  The awakened sinner loves God by His Spirit.

10.)  The enlightened saint is reading God's Word.

11.)  The enlightened saint is studying God's Word.

12.)  God's saints are all enlightened to Jesus Christ.

13.)  Wisdom does not save but Jesus Christ alone.

14.)  Mystic eastern religion does not save but Christ alone.

15.)   Greek Orthodoxy denies the awakened imputation of Jesus.

16.)  Russian Orthodoxy denies exclusivity of Jesus.

17.)  Awakened saints love the face of Jesus Christ.

18.)  Enlightened saints are not Buddha but have the Spirit.

19.)  Scientology does not better the mind but adds to the misery of the dead mind of man.

20.)  The atheistic philosopher does not add clarity to the mind of understanding (but impacts a further deadness to the mind of man experientially) but speaks of an irrational depravity that he glories in by the acceptance of his reprobate mind but the denial of Jesus in our hearts.

21.)  Awakened minds of understanding is when the Church sends its enlightened saints like Jesus to the Doctor, because they see Him as out of His mind like the family of Jesus.

22.)  Enlightened saints love those who harm them as we are  called by Christ in the New Testament Commandments, but Christ loved the good of justice that He declared "Woe unto you" concerning those who never truly repented under the signs of His eternal deity in Human Flesh and worshiped the self-existent Triune Godhead.

23.)  Awakened sinners have a clean soul but sins of the body.

24.)  Enlightened sinners love their enemies and feed their enemies, but remember prayer of the eternal Son of Man prayed from the Cross ("Father, forgive them"): namely, there was an awakening of sinners at Pentecost in the preaching of St. Peter where the Spirit of God enabled sinners to repent and believe in the true God of the God-speaking Scriptures.

25.)  We have eyes that do not see, because of spiritual blindness.

26.)  We have ears that do not hear, because of spiritual deafness.

27.)  We have minds that do not comprehend, because of spiritual muteness.

28.)  We have mouths that do not speak, because of a depraved speech withholding wonderful words of life.

29.)  We have tongues that speak before hearing, because we also hear and speak before listening.

30.)  The awakened saint obeys the law of Christ "Do not fornicate" in the ancient way of St. Justin the Martyr.

31.)  The civil laws of men are obeyed according to Romans 13.

32.)  It takes an awakened mind to know God the Son in human flesh was older than the years, because He existed from everlasting to everlasting touching His divine nature.

33.)  The eyes of understanding is comprehending Scripture.

34.)  The eyes of awakening is understanding the Bible.

35.)  The only way to understand the Bible is the Spirit.

36.)  The way to understand the Bible is a good preacher.

37.)  Eyes of awakening search the Bible in any matter.

38.)  Enlightened sinners love the Triune God as the true God.

39.)  Awakened sinners love the fullness of the Holy Bible.

40.)  Enlightened sinners love God's spiritual calling.

41.)  There is a internal calling that is spiritual rebirth.

42.)  There is an external calling that is Christian ministry.

43.)  God initiates spiritual salvation by the Spirit of God.

44.)  God molds us to the matchless image of Jesus Christ.

45.)  The calling of Jesus is for sinners everywhere to repent.

46.)  The calling of Jesus is for saints to trust the Lord.

47.)  The fall of the world of unbelief can only be by the Spirit.

48.)  There is a subjective message from the preacher to sinner-saints to everyone in order to believe.

49.)  There is a objective message from the written Word to us that never comes back empty but always accomplishes what the Spirit intends whether for mercy or justice.

50.)  There is only one hope:  Incarnate Hope (Jesus Christ)!

51.)  There is only one foundation:  Rock Incarnate (Christ Jesus)!

52.)  There is one object of spiritual faith: The Sovereign Three in One and One in Three (the Father, the Son and the Spirit)!

53.)  God's calling for sinners to be saved is by the Word and Spirit, because He gets the glory in saving sinners totally.

54.)  Lutherans that hold to a justification by imputation of all people including never-elect reprobates are far from Luther's Bible Theology that I doubt he would have ever imagined their betrayal of justification by faith alone through Christ alone.

55.)  There is a false hope that is real but dishonoring to Jesus.

56.)  There is a false faith that is real but dishonoring to Jesus.

57.)  There is a false Word preached that is real but dishonoring to Jesus.

58.)  There is false calling by the world of wickedness.

59.)  There is a true calling by the design of the Father.

60.)  There is a true calling by the unified work of the Son.

61.)  There is a true calling by the work of the Spirit of God.

62.)  Rome's calling to be baptized is a false calling.

63.)  Islam's calling to be under Allah is a false calling.

64.)  Mormonism's calling to be a god is contrary to God as God, because God always was, is and shall be.

65.)  Jehovah's Witnesses have a wrong calling about the nature of Jesus Christ, because He is God the Son in human flesh.

66.)  Scientology's calling of the rejection of rational Bible repentance is a false calling to a world of disobedience to God in a way of life through demi-god idolatry.

67.)  Statism is a false calling because God alone gives rights.

68.)  Papal statism is a false calling because we do not owe allegiance to a Papal hat, but to the Lamb alone who is worthy.

69.)  There is a false calling for ministry to be homosexual men, but men turned into women nullifies duty and leadership.

70.)  Spiritual rebirth is a guarantee of inheritance of heaven.

71.)  Saints have not attained heaven but march on to it.

72.) Faith is a gift of the regenerative work of the Spirit.

73.)  Justification is God's forensic declaration of a just sinner through His eternal Son.

74.)  Adoption is God possessing His children as sons and daughters of the High King of Heaven.

75.)  We are holy in a past tense, but we must reflect that in a process.

76.)  We are children of God in a past tense, but we will reflect that in glory.

77.)  Awakened sinners repent unto remission.

78.) Awakened sinners have the Spirit bear witness with their spirit that they are a child of God in Christ alone.

79.)  Enlightened sinners fill their minds of the Word Divine.

80.)  An awakened sinner means to seek the face of Jesus.

81.)  Enlightened sinners love the hatred of evil and sin.

82.)  Awakened sinners run away from fornication.

83.)  Enlightened sinners speak a heavenly knowledge.

84.)  An awakening is not levitation but knowing Jesus.

85.)  An awakening is not screaming like an animal but mourning over sin to a holy Triune God.

86.)  Awakening is not the practice of comforting-sin.

87.)  Enlightenment over sin is confessional repentance.

88.)  There is no forgiveness without God's initiation.

89.)  Christians are passing through to heaven.

90.)  Passing through a barren land does not mean a lack of excellence, because the glory we will have should reflect a life we do have: namely, holiness that does not love evil.

91.)   Evil fails at God's call, because He conquers evil.

92.)  Sin fails at God's call, because He overthrows it.

93.)  Love the written Word and you will love Christ.

94.)  Hate the written Word and you will hate Christ.

95.)  Accept the rejection of sin but reject the acceptance of sin, because God is holy and man by nature is wretched.

Rise, my soul, to watch and pray,
From thy sleep awaken;
Be not by the evil day
Unawares o'ertaken.
For the foe,
Well we know,
Oft his harvest reapeth
While the Christian sleepeth.
Watch against the devil's snares
Lest asleep he find thee;
For indeed no pains he spares
To deceive and blind thee.
Satan's prey
Oft are they
Who secure are sleeping
And no watch are keeping.
Watch! Let not the wicked world
With its pow'r defeat thee.
Watch lest with her pomp unfurled
She betray and cheat thee.
Watch and see
Lest there be
Faithless friends to charm thee,
Who but seek to harm thee.
Watch against thyself, my soul,
Lest with grace thou trifle;
Let not self thy thoughts control
Nor God's mercy stifle.
Pride and sin
Lurk within
All thy hopes to scatter;
Heed not when they flatter.
But while watching, also pray
To the Lord unceasing.
He will free thee, be thy stay,
Strength and faith increasing.
O Lord, bless
In distress
And let nothing swerve me
From the will to serve thee.  (TH, 476).

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