Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Mere 40-Point Exposition on a Biblical Study of the Virgin Mary That Is Meant for the Absolute Greatness of God Alone

Dr. Mike Petillo

I hear thy welcome voice
That calls me, Lord to thee
For cleansing in thy precious blood
That flowed on Calvary.
I am coming, Lord;
Coming now to thee:
Wash me, cleanse me, in the blood
That flowed on Calvary.
Though coming weak and vile,
Thou dost my strength assure;
Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse,
Til spotless all and pure.
'Tis Jesus calls me on
To perfect faith and love,
To perfect hope, and peace, and trust,
For earth and heav'n above.
'Tis Jesus who confirms
The blessed work within,
By adding grace to welcomed grace,
Where reigned the pow'r of sin.
And he the witness gives
To loyal hearts and free,
That ev'ry promise is fulfilled,
If faith but brings the plea.  (TH, 406).

1.  The written Scriptures call the Virgin Mary the mother of Jesus Christ (Mt. 1:16).  

2.  The Virgin Mary is not the producer of the deity of Christ.  Rather He was self-existent before His conception and birth.  That is, He existed before His conception and birth as God the Son (the Second Person of the Trinity).   

3.  Jesus Christ received His humanity from the Virgin Mary, but not His deity.    Every godly choice that is made is from God's predestinarian purpose alone unto His revealed mercy (Eph 1:11; Eph 2:10).  He alone is the reason why the Virgin Mary said "Yes" to God in bearing Jesus.  There is no biblical evidence that says Mary had inherit virtue, because in her prayer in Luke's Gospel she confessed her need for a divine Savior (see Lk 1:47).  Sinners need a Savior but a sinless person does not need a Savior.  Christians ought to give God the glory alone not man.  If boasting is given unto to Mary's choice, it is a vanity of absurd folly.  We ought to emphasis the glory of God in boasting of Him alone not His creatures.

4.  To exalt the Virgin Mary in her motherhood of Jesus Christ we do a disservice to God, His purpose and His glory.  No creature can stand with Him because there is none besides Him.

5.  The Virgin Mary is not equal with Jesus Christ touching sinlessness, because only Jesus Christ is sinless in His self-existence in His deity and His sacred humanity (1 Pet 1:19).  That is, Jesus never had shadows of sin of the body like creaturely sinners (Jn 8:46 compare to 1 Jn 1:8).

6.  St. Augustine said it is better to be a real child of God in Christ than to be the very mother of Jesus Christ.

7.  At one time in the life of the Virgin Mary she was a cosmic enemy of God, because no one is born a saint.   God saves in time and space at a particular time in a sinner's life (Rom 9:11, 16).

8.   The Virgin Mary was a believer in the Father of God's dear Son (see Luke chapter 1), because she was born again (Tit 3:5).

9.  It is better to pray to the Holy Trinity alone not to the Virgin Mary.

10.  It is better to spiritually rest in Christ alone in how someone is right with God than resting in the Virgin Mary and the saints with Christ making it possible through the Roman treasury of merit.

11.  The Bible teaches that Christ alone is the treasury of merit not the Virgin Mary and the saints.

12.  Pope Francis I said that Mary is in our struggles, but the Bible says nothing of this as an Ultimate Intercessor because God alone is our ultimate, heavenly and supernatural helper: Jesus in us, the hope of glory.

13.  The Virgin Mary was prophesied of bearing the God-Messiah (Is. 7:14).

14.  The Burning Bush was not a picture of the Virgin Mary, but it was a Pre-Incarnate Appearance of Jesus Christ.   Remember everything in the Bible is about Him alone.

15.  The Ark of the Covenant was not a prefigurement of the Virgin Mary, but rather the presence of God in the Incarnate Ark: Jesus Christ.  Remember He alone should get the glory.

16.  The Bible never refers to the Virgin Mary as the Second Eve, but rather the emphasis is on Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

17.   The OT Scriptures warns against a Queen Mother as a "heathen deity", because it violates the First Commandment (see Jer. 44:15-30).

18.  The Bible provides no evidence of Mary as the Queen of Peace, because Jesus Christ alone is the Prince of Peace.

19.  The Virgin Mary was engaged in St. Joseph (Lk 1:26-27).

20.  Christ was miraculously conceived through the Holy Spirit in a virginal conception not an ever-Virgin (Lk 1:28-38).

21.  The Virgin Mary is not an Ever-Virgin, but it clearly seems according to the Bible that Mary was the mother of other children (Mk 6:3).  The OT and NT Scriptures were written in Greek, and there is no indication that her other children were cousins.

22.   The Virgin Mary visits St. Elizabeth (Lk 1:39-41).

23.  If we get out of the Bible the "greatness of the Virgin Mary" we have misunderstood the infallible Scriptures, but if we get out of the Bible in viewing the Virgin Mary "the greatness of God" we rightly see the meaning of the sacred Word.

24.  The Virgin Mary offers praise (Lk 1:46-55).

25.  The Virgin Mary gives birth to Jesus Christ (Lk 2:6-20).  It is said by some that Jesus never cried, but it fails to understand that Jesus was a real human being apart from sin.  He experienced everything a real man would experience except He did not sin inwardly and outwardly.

26.  The Virgin Mary flees with St. Joseph to Egypt (Mt 2:13-18).  God says in His written Word, "Out of Egypt I have called My Son."  It is an indication of Jesus as divine Messiah.

27.  The exact details of the marriage of Mary and Joseph is not shared in the Bible, because God did not think it was worth mentioning.  Rather He mentions what we need to know.  The Bible says the Virgin Mary had male and female children, but Jesus was the First, Preeminent, Supreme and Unique Son of Mary (Mk 6:3).  Jesus Christ was the only Son of Mary who was the God-man!

28.  The Virgin Mary visits Jerusalem with Jesus (Lk 2:41-52).

29.  Jesus entrusts the aged Virgin Mary to the hospitable care of the Apostle John (Jn 19:25-27).  It does not mean Mary is our Mother, but God is the greatest One who cares for us greater than a love of a mother.  The love of God is incomparable to the love of creatures, because it is unequaled in the unconditional love of Jesus.

30.  If you make much of Mary, you have failed to understand Scripture.  Rather make much of Jesus, because He alone can save to the uttermost!

31.  The Virgin Mary was the later wife of Clopas (Jn 19:25).

32.  The Virgin Mary was the mother of James and Joses (Mt 27:56). 

33.  The Virgin Mary beheld the Crucified Savior (Mt 27:55-56).  She witnessed His atoning death for this was the purpose for His miraculous birth.  A sword pierced her soul.  That is, it does not mean she suffered redemptively and won satisfaction for our sins.  Rather it means she suffered the eyewitness testimony of the sword of Roman execution in the human justice of brutal crucifixion.  Much more of Jesus in His sole redemptive suffering than anything else because He is the Eternal Son of God.

34.  The Virgin Mary follows Jesus' body to the tomb (Mt 27:61).

35.  The Virgin Mary is an eyewitness testimony of the bodily risen Christ (Mt 28:1, 9, 10).

36.  The Virgin Mary tells of the bodily resurrection of Jesus to His disciples (Mt 28:7-9; Lk 24:9-11).

37.   The Virgin Mary is not a picture of the nation of Israel, but rather the heavenly bride is the perfected church prepared for the Incarnate Bridegroom: Jesus Christ.

38.  There is no reliable historical evidence or biblical evidence of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.  Rather there is much more overall evidence for the bodily resurrection of Jesus.  The evidence is far from the same or similar, but there is abundant evidence for the Risen Christ.

39.  There is no scriptural support for Mary as another Mediator.

40.  There is no scriptural support for Mary as another Redeemer. 

Gentle Mary laid her child
Lowly in a manger;
There he lay, the undefiled,
To the world a stranger.
Such a babe in such a place,
Can he be the Saviour?
Ask the saved of all the race
Who have found his favor.
Angels sang about his birth,
Wise men sought and found him;
Heaven's star shone brightly forth
Glory all around him.
Shepherds saw the wondrous sight,
Heard the angels singing;
All the plains were lit that night,
All the hills were ringing.
Gentle Mary laid her child
Lowly in a manger;
He is still the undefiled,
But no more a stranger.
Son of God of humble birth,
Beautiful the story;
Praise his Name in all the earth,
Hail! the King of Glory!  (TH, 640).

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