Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Darkness of Devil Worship: 95-Disputations in a Point-by-Point Sermon in Biblical Refutation of the Immorality, Criminal Behavior, Idolatrous Worship and Futuristic Satanism in the Known Occult

1.  There are others in the Church of Satan which are in a particular kind of evil-worship that do not acknowledge Satan as a historic or literal being but worship the idea of evil.

2.  According to the infallible Word, Satan is the ultimate enemy of the holy and true God of the written Scriptures.  Check out the gospel-singer Keith Green: "Keith Green - Dear John Letter (To The Devil) (live) - YouTube"

3.  Those involved in devil worship are spreading in our modern day.  For example in 2013 Satan-worship is rising among the young in India; click here to read about it: "Satan Worship In India Worries Christian Groups In Nagaland State"

4.  The literal person of the Devil is real and he is the fallen leader of the fallen angels.

5.  The Devil is powerful but not equal to God in His all-powerfulness.

6.  Some Satanists worship the devil as God.  That is, this is the cosmic sin by which Satan fell: he tried to rise above God.

7.  Satan is not a god.  That is, he is not everywhere, all-knowing, all-powerful or all-wise.  There are some Christians that refer to the devil as a god because of a misreading of the Holy Scriptures according to the biblical meaning.

8.  Satan or his fallen angels cannot read your mind.  However, he can predict the future through occultic means.  

9.  Jesus conquered the activity and power of Satan (see the writings of the New Testament).

10.  Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.  That is, the Holy Spirit is in us and we need not fear the Devil.

11.  Those who practice worship of the Devil or the idea of evil are largely engaged in explicit acts of sexual immorality.

12.   They engage in sexual evil for the sake of their evil religion of Satanism in different degrees of explicitness.   A orgy would be something Satanists are interested in, because they use sexual activity in satanic rituals.

13.  The Christian has no place in satanic sexual activity, because we are called to holiness.

14.  Satanic rituals directly led to satanic or demonic possession through the activity of satanic and cosmic abuse between the acts of wicked people.

15.   Great sin opens the unregenerate up to satanic and demonic possession, because its like an invitation to Satan to destroy you.

16. Read about Satan's true nature and the history of Satan's rebellion in heaven in Ez. 18:12-19.

17.  Satan wanted to be God (Is 14ff), but a creature cannot be God because a creature is not self-existent.

18. Self-existence means being from everlasting to everlasting.

19.  Satan was created perfect but he had the power of choice.  

20.  Those involved in Satan-worship love to seek to know the future through occultic means.

21.  There exists a service to Satan in "soul-giving" where he determines through your wishes what you want, because he furthers the "interests of men" against the plan of God.

22.  Unregenerate sinners cannot be trusted in light of their radically corrupt nature (see Rom 3ff).

23.  The design of Satan is to undo the work of God (Mk 4:15).

24.  The design of Satan is to make men turn away (Job 2:4-5).

25.   The design of Satan is to instigate evil (Jn 13:2, 27).

26.  The design of Satan is to secure man's worship (Lk 4:6-8; 2 Thess 2:3-4).

27.  Satan worship is not the unforgivable sin.  However, Satan increases the degrees of sin through the bondage of sinful mankind.  If you have engaged in the idolatry of Satan-worship, God is telling you in His providential care that you are not spiritually good.  That is, you must repent and believe the gospel (Mk 1:15) through Christ alone (Gal 2:20) to the Almighty Trinity alone (Mt 28:19) because Jesus will never cast you out if you come asking for forgiveness because you have offended a good God.

28.  If you practice Satanism and you want to change, spend time in God's written Word in the New Testament.  Start out with the Gospels of Luke and John.  

29.  If you were involved in Satanism, get involved in particular repentance over your past evils to God and have a Bible-believing church pray for you through the ruling eldership.

30.  The character of Satan is that he is a deceiver (Rev. 12:9).

31.  The character of the Devil is that he is the Father of lies (Jn 8:44).

32.   The character of Satan is that he is the adversary (1 Pet 5:8).

33.  It is cosmic treason in explicit idolatry to pray, honor, venerate, esteem, bow, kneel or worship Satan.  

34.  The method of Satan is that he disguises himself (2 Cor. 11:14).

35.  Satan insinuates extreme doubt (Gen 3:1).

36.  The devil misuses the written Word (Mt 4:6).

37.  Satan uses schemes to destroy (2 Cor 2:11).

38.  The devil afflicts believers (Lk 13:16).

39.  The devil is bound in judgment (Mk 3:27).

40.  Satan is cast out (Jn 12:31).

41.  The devil is already judged (Jn 16:11).

42.  The devil is supernaturally bruised by Christ (Rom 16:20).

43.  Satan and his fallen angels are eternally damned (Mt 25:41).

44.  Those who are involved in orgies or sexual immorality for "pleasure" or "sexual relief" should ponder the sanctity of the body (1 Cor. 6:13-20).

45.  Christians are called to FLEE FROM immorality (1 Cor. 6:18).

46.  To counter immorality Christians should get married to someone God has chosen for them by manifested providence (1 Cor. 7:2).

47.  Christians are called to abstain from immorality (1 Thess 4:3).

48.  Immorality should not be named among Christians (Eph 5:3).

49.  Immorality corrupts the earth (Rev. 19:2).

50.  Satanic mediums are a source defilement (Lev 19:31).

51.  Mediums are a spiritual abomination (Deut. 18:10-12).

52.  The practice of mediums were cut off (Lev 20:6).

53.  Those who practiced it were put to death (Lev 20:27).  That is, in this God shows His holiness in ancient times, but we are called to deal with those who engage in the occult today with the love of His all-powerful and all-conquering and all-invincible way of Christ.

54.  Saul wrongly consulted a medium in ancient Israel (1 Sam 28:3-25).

55.   Those involved in Satan-worship are also involved in criminal behavior in breaking the civil laws of civil government (see Rom 13).

56.  Those in Satanism pray for evil things.  That is, they pray for divorce among those who are Christian.

57.  Satan can only do what he has permission to do (see the Book of Job).

58.  Satan is behind the false doctrine of world religions, non-Christian cults and the occult   However, let us not forget that man is also spiritually corrupt and loves falsehood more than truth by nature.

59.   Why worship the creature over the holy Creator (see Rom 1)?

60.  Why engage in sexual immorality when God can find you a God-fearing wife with devoted prayer and reflection (see Prov 31)?

61.  Why engage in criminal behavior when God has made civil government for your good and benefit (see Rom 13)?

62.  Why engage in satanic ritual when God has prescribed the fellowship and friendship of the local church for your spiritual noruishment?

63.  Why give glory to Satan when he is a fallen and cosmic sinner?

64.  Why don't you give all glory to God that you might repent this day of the evil of Satan-worship and the furtherance of sinful interests of men?

65.  Do not be like Peter and fall prey to Satan in arguing for the abominable interests of men over the interests of God (see Mt 16:23).

66.  If you have gotten anything from the Father of lies, why not turn away from it to God and embrace Jesus Christ as your Savior and Creator?

67.  If you have known the future through the occult, why not forsake your spiritual evil and submit to the written Scriptures alone for they are enough to led you to all good things (2 Tim 3:16-17).

68.  If you follow God's way of salvation, He promises not to take away the suffering but to see you through it with victory in Christ.

69.  If you were to stand before a holy God today, what would be your spiritual condition?

70.  If you were engaged in serious, great and profound satanic sin, you ought to spend time with Jesus confessing your sins.  He alone provides forgiveness, cleansing and grace; He will never abandon you once you are His.

71.   God is working all things out for the good of His people.  That means He is even working your sin for your ultimate good.  

72.  The all-atoning Cross is meant for you to not only be forgiven and cleansed but also live a life of holiness.

73.  Satan cannot spiritually save anyone.  That is, only the holy Trinity can save you now.

74.  Satan only has the ability to destroy.  He works things out for evil for those that partake of his wickedness.

75.  We do not need to have the future through the occultic, because the God of the Bible has cosmic and spiritual VICTORY IN CHRIST ALONE (see the Book of Revelation)!

76.  The question is, are you on the winning side in spiritual terms?  The side of Satan is are cosmic losers, but the side of Christ is victory.

77.  We have victory over Satan because of the life of Christ that earned salvation.

78.  We have victory over Satan because of the death of Christ where He forgives every sin no matter what.

79.  We have victory over Satan because of the resurrection of Christ where He verifies that Jesus is the only true way.

80.  Jesus Christ has ALL POWER AND AUTHORITY IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH.  That is, no one can stop Him.

81.  We have victory over Satan because Christ is the ascended King.

82.  Jesus Christ is the only One who can help you if the Devil is surrounding his evil forces around you, because of your occultic abominations.

83.  The devil is up to no good in regards to his spiritual stragrey.

84.  The devil wages war at the footsteps of the Christian church and in the very preaching of the infallible Word.

85.  The devil hates godly people, because it is Christ living in us, the hope of glory.

86.  The devil seeks to have people hate men like John Calvin and Martin Luther because they were right on spiritual salvation.

87.  The devil hates that everything is preordained for the good of God's people.

88.  The devil hates Christian prayer, because with God all things are possible.

89.  The devil knows about God but he hates God.

90.  The devil has a false belief according to attrition, but he does not truly believe God.

91.  C.H. Spurgeon author of "Spiritual Warfare in a Believer’s Life" (Sermon Matthew 4:4) wrote, “It is written.” Stand upon it, and if the devil were fifty devils in one, he could not overcome you. On the other hand, if you leave “It is written,” Satan knows more about reasoning than you do. He is far older, has studied mankind very thoroughly, and knows all our weak points. Therefore, the contest will be an unequal one.  Do not argue with him but wave in his face the banner of God’s Word.  Satan cannot endure the infallible truth, for it is death to the falsehood of which he is the father."

92.  The devil accuses the brethren before God night and day.
93.  There is no accusation of Satan that can avail before a holy God regarding God's elect people.

94.  Do not hurt another for an "occultic ritual" because you are in the presence of God.   That is, conduct yourself according to holiness.

95.  The devil knows he has a short time, but he comes as a raging lion against the people of God seeking to destroy them without cause.  Remember the devil can only do what God allows him to do.  That is, he is a lion in restraint.  

Standing by a purpose true,
Heeding God's command,
Honor them, the faithful few!
All hail to Daniel's band!
Dare to be a Daniel!
Dare to stand alone!
Dare to have a purpose firm!
Dare to make it known!
Many mighty men are lost,
Daring not to stand,
Who for God had been a host
By joining Daniel's band.
Many giants, great and tall,
Stalking through the land,
Headlong to the earth would fall,
If met by Daniel's band.
Hold the gospel banner high;
On to vict'ry grand;
Satan and his host defy,
And shout for Daniel's band (TH, 660).

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