Wednesday, February 26, 2014

THE JESUS PASSION PROJECT & REPORT, SECTION E: 50-Disputations on Whatsoever Is Right Concerning New Testament Commandments Against Works of Heavenly Merit by Sinners, Occultic Nazism, Lying in the Judicial System (A Theocratic Doctrine by Jehovah’s Witnesses and Hidden Cultism Against Romans Chapter 13 In Light of Philippians 4:8), Assisted Suicide, the Mentally Ill, Placing the Elderly in Nursing Homes, Assisting the Murder of the Elderly, At Will Murder of Unborn and Infant Children, Anti-Semitism is Criticizing Jewish People for Killing Jesus As the Second Cause (That Is, To Deny History But Also to State It Was the Pagan Gentiles Who Killed Jesus in A Evil Harmony, Allegiance and Unity Against the Ultimate Jew For the Strangers of Every Nation, Tribe, Tongue, and People (Jesus the King), Rewriting the Constitution of the United States of America For the Censorship of Biblical Christianity, Redefinition of Marriage, Military, & Morality and Justification By Death (To Name A Few)

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

1.     Death does not bring reconciliation or save with a holy Triune God just because someone dies but death brings condemnation to those who obey not the gospel.

2.     No one should commit suicide because we are made in the image of God by a holy Triune Creator.

3.     Fornication (that which is against martial sexual relations between one man and one woman in life-long marriage) must be abolished before marriage, during marriage or any part of marriage, because it is the pathway to unhealthy trauma that leads couples to divorce where the church and the world partake of the same sin.

4.     The local church of Reformed people must be an example (study 1 Timothy 4:12).

5.     There should be an abolishment of all psychiatric hospitals on credible grounds of eyewitness testimony, physical evidence and apparent evidence of professionals of self-knowledge of a medical criminality that induces symptoms where the cause is their victimization of pain and trauma previously but the pseudo-science of Scientology with professional psychiatry will both blaze in the same darkness of the abyss if left unchanged at this very moment of time based on over twenty-years of investigation as a Christian intelligence officer for the voiceless under the authority of His Majesty Jesus Christ.

6.     None of the elderly should be left to a nursing home but all have forgotten the New Testament command of Jesus Christ at His Cross to Beloved John in a bit of a paraphrase but not untrue “My friend, take care of My mother in your home” or “Take my mother in your very arms as if she were your own.”

7.     No one should murder the elderly because we carry the image of God throughout life and no one has the right to end life at the expanse of more money or anything.

8.     No one should kill the conceived children but there are hidden monstrosities by cosmic villains as a sacrifice to the spirit of the age to destroy children.

9.     No one should kill the unborn children at any stage or level because of anything but a baby in the womb should remind us of Jesus Christ where He controlled the universe as an unborn baby.

10.                        No one should kill born children for any reason! because the Master as Incarnate Deity commanded “Do not prevent the little children from coming to Me.”  

11.                        Those who obey the gospel will inherit eternal blessing under the theocracy of Jesus Christ where all will be immutably sinless because the air there is sinlessly holy by the domination of the Spirit and the Word.

12.                        We are called always to honor the truth because of the honor of Jesus Christ except if a Nazi wanted to kill a minority.

13.                        It would be a sin to tell the truth if someone wanted to use it for injustice (a Nazi out to kill a Jew) so we are called to lie boldly.

14.                        The Jehovah’s Witness calls their members to lie in court because of the sole supremacy of their organization.

15.                        The constitution has already been rewritten in practice without the perpetuity of the stated words but the overthrow of the constitution is by an atheistic religious syncretism.

16.                        An atheistic religious syncretism is an overthrow of Biblical Christianity where the foundation of the American Constitution was Romans Chapter 13 (because God instituted human government at every level), tota Scriptura and the 16th century Reformation by Martin Luther and John Calvin.

17.                        The most ancient record of marriage is between one man and one woman in around 4000 BC.

18.                        Marriage between one man and one woman is the truth of sacred history as real history.

19.                        Those who are against it traditional marriage is against the foundation of human civilization for over 6000 years.

20.                        Men are turned into women by their submission of homosexual relationships (the biblical way of saying the judgment of God’s fury is upon the military).

21.                        We are living in a post-moral society where men are with men in sexual relations and women are with women in sexual relations but this so-called “orgy of July 1994” and Rome’s hidden practice for centuries (that was rape against a pre-converted elect sinner by reprobates with emphasis of Romanism) is now licensed by the American civil authorities for homosexual and polygamous marriage where the Bible condemns it as an inheritance in everlasting destruction (my constitutional right to say in light of religious freedom).

22.                        We are called to accept the divine unified righteousness of Jesus Christ alone imputed to us by the spiritual application of the Spirit in spiritual awakening by the Word.

23.                        The meaning of the essence of unified righteousness of Christ is the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.

24.                        Hitler endorsed the superman of atheism with absolute meaninglessness with submission to Satan himself with a covenant in allegiance to him.

25.                        The meaning of the superman of atheism is the sum and substance of New Age evolutionism where men become gods.

26.                        Such unity with Satan by Hitler is the consequence of the destruction of civil innocence without cause.

27.                        Unity with Satan is destruction against the face of civil innocence because unity should be on divine truth.

28.                        Satan is the highest, greatest and hardest criminal to execute injustice, tyranny and victimization at will to destroy them in the name of God when God does not endorse them.

29.                        Everyone’s motives will be judged: namely, why does a holy Triune God precede from your lips when you disobey Him, dishonor Him and spit in His face?

30.                        A holy Triune God hates their existence who injury the face of civil innocence in His human repression of repentance of creation to illustrate God’s hot displeasure with rebellion without cause against God’s holy superlative innocence.

31.                        We are called to hate injustice but not partake in it.

32.                        Do not engage in works of darkness.

33.                        Put on the body armor of the light of the Spirit of God.

34.                        We are commanded to follow holy things of peace.

35.                        People must follow things that edify by God’s Word.

36.                        Christians must please their neighbor for good.

37.                        A Christian must be sincere unto what is right.

38.                        A Christian must not fornicate in any form.

39.                        Christians must not tempt Jesus Christ.

40.                        A Christian must not murmur about God.

41.                        People must be spiritually and wholly clean.

42.                        Practice perfect holiness in reflection of the positional.

43.                        A Christian is commanded to walk in the Spirit.

44.                        Christians must not be occupied with vain glory.

45.                        We are called not to provoke one another.

46.                        A Christian is called not to envy one another.

47.                        We are called not to be weary in well-doing.

48.                        Christians are called to do good to all peoples.

49.                        A Christian must especially do good to other Christians.

50.                        We are called to press forward to the mark as mature people of God in Christ kept by His Spirit and Word.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

95-Disputations on Ezekiel 1:14 and the Running of the Pre-Converted Elect Sinner into the Arms of the Father Who Runs After the Prodigal Son For the Glory of the Intention of the Cross That Conquers Every Sin And Establishes His Tenderhearted Mercies in Compassionate Redemption by Sola Christus

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“…And the living beings ran to and fro like bolts of lightening…”  (Ezekiel 1:14 NASB).

1.     The Triune Creator made all things living.

2.     The Triune God holds the thunder and lightening (where He defies Zeus and all gods) in His very Hand where it occurs at His timing, plan and determination.

3.     Are you on a steady pace before a holy Triune God to glory where you ought to run the race with Spirit-led confidence through the gift of the eternal Son in the glory of the Father’s design?

4.     Do we run to the naked to cloth them with the robes of the good news of the gospel and lend a helping hand to those who are poor, destitute and stricken with helplessness?

5.     Do you run away from those who come to your door or do you run to them in sharing Jesus’ love to them? 

6.     Do we run to the fatherless to be a blessing in hope?

7.     Do we run to the orphans and widows to help in time of need?

8.     Do we run away from the face of bearing the burden?

9.     God’s lightening is about God’s indignation of holiness.

10.                        God’s lightening is the Father’s design, the Son’s design and the Spirit’s design: namely, all creation is a work of the Trinity (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit).

11.                        A holy God is furious with reprobates unto condemnation.

12.                        This vision of Ezekiel is not mythology.

13.                        This vision of God is not a legend.

14.                        It is not something made-up by a brilliant scribe.

15.                        The Book of Ezekiel is divine revelation.

16.                        This Scriptural revelation is about the glory of God alone.

17.                        All Scripture in a sense is directly about God’s glory.

18.                        The written Word is immediately about the glory of God because His Word is expressly concerned with His glory.

19.                        God’s Word is always concerned with His glory.

20.                         God is a God always concerned with what is right and what is right is always about His glory.

21.                         Everything is is about God’s glory in His design.

22.                        The “is” is not something unreal but something real.

23.                        A holy God turns men over to run away or enables men to run towards him, raises up and tears down, to abase or exalt, to hide or reveal, to lighten a burden or bear a burden, because He is the God of providential care.

24.                        Lightening comes in a rain storm.

25.                        Sometimes the down pour of rain will be the most trying times of our lives.

26.                        We must remember the face of Jesus Christ who endured the Father’s punishment of sin upon the eternal Son alone at His Cross for the intention of saving a chosen people.

27.                        We must bring our sins to and fro to the Cross of Jesus Christ in contrite and confessional repentance to God.

28.                        The clouds of Mt. Doom spring with lightening of injustice but fires of rebellion concerning reprobate evil.

29.                        The Lord Jesus set His head toward His mission of atonement because it was in behalf of His elect people.

30.                        Sin clings to lost sinner that blinds them in running to destruction where a holy God turns them over to themselves in ultimate justice.

31.                        Sin ruins lives because it is used by a holy God as an instrument of damnation (the second cause alone is accountable in the commission and omission of sin).

32.                        Only a good God can bring the ruin of sin to the glory of the honor of Jesus unto eternal mercy.

33.                        The ruin is changed into a life of beauty by the hidden fingerprints of a holy God!

34.                        Sin will take a lost sinner to the place of hell unless changed by a holy Triune God.

35.                        The eternal destiny of a lost sinner is run by God: namely, He decides the everlasting destiny in eternity past whether we are a vessel of mercy or a vessel of wrath.

36.                        Does the Triune God of the Bible deter you from all sin?

37.                        Do you contemplate the public Second Coming of Jesus Christ where the Last Day should deter us from all sin but sinners are running to destruction with the deception of sin prepared for the sentence of eternal hell?

38.                        Sin does not tell us the truth where it is holiness in the unholy sinner but a pursuit of self-destruction.

39.                        Sin causes a delusion that hell is the best place but Jesus Christ has paid the debt of His people in full.

40.                        Sin is still present in a true Christian where there could be seasons of falling into temptation but he is forgiven and cleansed always through the ultimate Lamb slain.

41.                        We must bring every sin that emerges to and fro in us in confessional repentance to a Triune God.

42.                        Lightening is used by God to teach us about the awesome superlative holiness of a great and transcendent Creator.

43.                        The Father runs to the sinners to initiate, Jesus walks with the sinner hand-in-hand to glory and the Spirit carries us home safe and sound on wings of glory.

44.                        Around the Shekinah glory of the Father is lightening and thunder because He is the untouchable God where only that which is holy approaches because of His work in and for us.

45.                        Around the Shekinah glory of the Son is clouds of glory but no one can stand toe and toe with Incarnate Glory that surpasses all human beings in all of history.

46.                        Around the Shekinah glory of the Spirit are clouds of holiness where the Spirit precedes from the Father and the Son to accomplish the work of the Hound of Heaven as bolts of lightening burn with fire from the masquerade of Satan at Mt. Doom in the spiritual Mordor in defiance of His Majesty.

47.                        Fallen sinners ran away from suffering but some get burned in running toward God without true love for Jesus but the love of the Father reserves wrath for Himself in a flame that burns in darkness.

48.                        God’s invisible Hand is in the unseen of all things that are really good of mercy or justice.

49.                        If you had eyes to see you would behold a God who is always there in sustaining all that is.

50.                        God’s omnipresent humility reserves the right to be hidden to test His creatures in all things whether for good or for evil.

51.                        A human being bears the image of God.

52.                        A human being has an immaterial mind.

53.                        A living person has the primacy of the mind and heart.

54.                        Humankind have a soul and a spirit but a body of sins.

55.                        Do you march into hell with the Gospel of God? 

56.                        The flame will not scorch you, the darkness will not blind you and the devils will not hold you! 

57.                        March on! with the light of the Gospel! 

58.                        Look! there are those falling into the abyss!  Stretch out the Cross of Jesus to save many alive! 

59.                        O sinner! you will not perish for He is unbreakable bridge to the Father! to reconcile you to Himself! for it is not the end!

60.                        The Father is from everlasting to everlasting.  You O man! What are you to say in reply to a God who lives perfectly and depends upon nothing to sustain Him!

61.                        The Son is from all eternity where He had no beginning touching His divine nature because the Son always is was and forever shall be!  Do you see God veiled in human flesh in Jesus Christ?  Why do you have such a low view of God the Son where you suppose He was created without an eternal divine nature in the hypostatic union of the God-man?

62.                        The Spirit is was and forever shall be!  Do you suppose He is an impersonal force?  No, no!  The Holy Spirit spoke creation into being but He is a divine person as the Third Person of the Trinity in the one unity of the three persons in the Triune Godhead (where He is in co-equal submission to the Father and the Son).

63.                        There are spots of sin upon our soul from the sins of the body where we must bring these sins to the Divine Christ but in the positional sense we are already forgiven but in a practical sense we are being forgiven.

64.                        Run like St. Joseph of the Old Testament because he runs away from adultery with someone else’s wife that clearly violates the Ten Commandments and New Testament obedience!

65.                        Run away from all kinds of sexual fornication!

66.                        Run away from violating the superlative innocence of a holy Triune God who ordains all things with His providential care in the handiwork of the outcome of the display of all things!

67.                        There were runners with news in Old Testament days but are you running to lost sinners with the good news of the gospel of God?

68.                        Or do you make the excuse that you were not called to share the gospel of God while no tears are shed for those perishing?

69.                        The Spirit transforms those tears of doom to tears of joy over the spiritual awakening by the Spirit.

70.                        The Father rejoices with the Son and the Spirit over a found lost sinner to the glory of the Triune Majesty.

71.                        A holy Triune God sings over those who are found by Him.

72.                        The elect angels ascend and descend up and down Jacob’s Latter but who does it mean?  It is how the elect angels operate in the cosmic realm by the command of Jesus.

73.                        Jacob’s Latter is fulfilled in Jesus Christ where elect angels descend and ascend upon Him where they take commands by the immediate word of Jesus in immediate obedience to the excellence of the glory of His name’s sake.

74.                        Martin Luther was in a lightening storm where he vowed to become a monk where previously he was pursuing a law career but the trauma of God’s holiness would teach Dr. Luther of self-loathing of his totally sinful nature without violating the image of God but honoring the holy innocence of a glorious Triune God of Conquering Peace.

75.                        Satan roams to and fro upon the earth seeking someone to devour without case because of the boasting of God’s work upon a redeemed sinner where he comes with spite against the light of the eternal Son with no regard for holiness,

76.                        Those that run back to the City of Destruction could very well be a partial apostate that returns back to Jesus.

77.                        St. Peter in Galatians Chapter 2 added circumision to the matchlessness of the unified work of Jesus Christ but the Apostle Peter was forgiven of his sin because he brought this sin to His Majesty (Jesus Christ) for forgiveness through Christ crucified where alone there is pardon.

78.                        The Father takes care of the birds like He cares for us, because the little things are open to Him like the big things.

79.                        The Father is represented by consuming flames where lightening shoots to and fro from the fire of God because He is untouchable holiness in superlative magnanimous excellence in the pursuit of His good pleasure.

80.                        The Son is faster than lightening but more powerful than thunder: namely, His eyes flash with fire at the sin of never-converted reprobates and the lifestyle of lawlessness.

81.                        The Spirit is the Dove of God that goes to and fro over all creation because in the beginning He hovered over the formlessness of creation and He hovers over Jesus in His baptism by John the Baptist in approbation of His public ministry in wings spread to conquer a rebellion against His Majesty to further a heaven of innumerable people.

82.                        A holy Triune God created all things that move to and fro because that which was not alive is alive by the Power of His sheer Word.

83.                        A holy Triune God holds the very Power of Being in and of Himself where nothing could be unless He created, sustained and maintained it.

84.                        The Triune Majesty has the absolute and immediate power to create out of nothing, the power to sustain it and the Power to speak it into being.

85.                        The permanent reprobates always run away from God.

86.                        The temporary reprobates run for a time away from God until God changes it for the glory of the Son unto His everlasting mercy.

87.                        The pre-converted elect run away from the Father with the total depraved nature but the Father catches them into His everlasting arms that are best displayed in the outstretched arms of Jesus Christ where love nails Him to the Cross by the Father’s Hand to crush His eternal Son in behalf of unjust, poor and helpless sinners at the co-equal submission to establish justice against sin but exalt mercy for those that bear the covering of the robes of His matchless merit.

88.                        Some sinners ran back to the City of Destruction.

89.                        The City of Destruction is the place of God’s judgment.

90.                        God’s elect people are called back to the City of Destruction by the never-converted reprobates to resume a life of rebellion in their saying “Come back to us, Come back to us” etc., but we are eternally kept by the Triune King.

91.                        Let’s run away from Satan’s pride to the arms of Jesus at His Cross and denounce him awaiting his sentence to hell.

92.                        Let’s run away from idolatry because God alone is God.

93.                        It was once said that a disabled person must run to Jesus but the Father runs to the disabled person where no merit of a sinner merits heaven but the Son alone.

94.                        There is no where to except in hell where sinners are on the run from a good God.

95.                        St. Jonah of the Old Testament ran away from a holy Triune God in his ministry because he was frustrated with God’s mercy in proclaiming the word of repentance where God was merciful to lost rebels but later on in Old Testament history the prophet Nahum would preach the word of God’s justice to a Nineveh that arose to spiritual ruin in lawlessness continually reserved for God’s wrath.