Friday, February 21, 2014

95-Disputations on Ezekiel 1:7 and the Straight Way of Gospel Feet

By M.A. Petillo, D.Th., D.Min., & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“…Their legs were straight and their feet were like a calf’s hoof, and they gleaned like burnished bonze…”  (Ezekiel 1:7 NASB).

1.     The pathway to Jesus Christ is the straight way to peace.

2.     The straight way of gospel feet is about the preparation of the peace of the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

3.     We ought to use our legs like St. Phillip in gospel feet and journey to a lost soul like the Ethiopian Eunuch in the historical Book of Acts to share the Old Testament prophecy of the Suffering Servant in the Book of Isaiah (they had copies of the Old Testament Scriptures in their personal collection as they traveled in those days) as the self-existent Messiah Jesus Christ.

4.     Jesus Christ was a peripatetic Rabbi who instructed His disciples who walked around Him in the three-year School of the Divine Theology of Jesus Christ as God Incarnate.

5.     True Christians who possess Christ by the gift of justification by faith alone ought to proclaim Christ the Divine Lamb that is the Way, the Truth and the Life in the design of the Father.

6.     Are we running to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ?  Get those Gospel feet ready and take up the command to preach the Gospel of faithful repentance in Gospel honor to Jesus Christ!

7.     Are you standing on the promise of His unified imputed righteousness that was particularly given to all who respond in faith and repentance by the Spirit of God and the Word of God?  We must stand on the promise of His unified merit alone because it refers to justification by Christ alone in how someone is right with a holy God.

8.     The Father runs to the prodigal son who is astray.

9.     The Son walks hand-in-hand with His children unto glory.

10.                        The Spirit of God makes us willing in monergistic regeneration (that is the soul remains passive because it is unable to cooperate by nature due to it having no spiritual power due to spiritual deadness but the Spirit provides the gift of the Father’s eternal Son in the grounds for how we are right with a holy God through the spiritual application of the unified imputation of His divine righteousness and all we need unto the glory of heaven where we behold the face of God in its complete fullness to love and enjoy God forever).

11.                        God the Son took upon Himself human flesh and bone but walked among us but He seemed like an ordinary Man and yet He was Jehovah in human flesh in His divine humility.

12.                        Some go away from Jesus by turning their backs on Him.

13.                        Let’s not turn our backs on Jesus Christ but follow Him.

14.                        If we follow Him it will be a gift of His foredetermined Hand.

15.                        Nothing adds to Jesus Christ in His sinless life.

16.                        Nothing adds to Lamb of God at His Cross where love more than nails kept Him on the tree of redemption.

17.                        God the Son walked in the Garden of Eden.

18.                        After the fall of Adam He came into public ministry as Incarnate Deity around 30 AD where He lived a sinless life to earn spiritual salvation for the grounds for how His people are right with Him that are able to stand before the Father in the imputed righteousness of Christ alone the highest gift of His Hand.

19.                        God the Father runs to His lost children to bring monergisticly draw them to His Son by the work of His Spirit.

20.                        We will stand before the Father in robes of the Son alone.

21.                        Those who do not possess imputed righteousness of the Son alone will not stand before the Father but be indicted to eternal condemnation because spots of sins were found in them where they possessed the counterfeit righteousness of filthy rages.

22.                        The saints of the Spirit of Christ should run to take the Gospel to every tribe, tongue, people and nation.

23.                        This world is a vapor in terms of time where things are running down to the point of God’s intervention.

24.                        God will make a new heavens and earth to glory Himself in the saints glorified through the Son alone.

25.                        Works of satisfaction that add to Christ will not stand.

26.                        Sacraments that add to Christ will not stand before the Father.

27.                        Rosaries that add to Christ will not stand before the Father.

28.                        Muslims who scale the balances will not stand before God.

29.                        Self-reliance will not save a Buddhist but recommend him to hell under the examination of King Jesus at the Last Day.

30.                        There is no addable merit to Christ alone in the Reformed doctrine of justification by faith alone.

31.                        Has the Father said in regards to any other “This is my well-beloved Son; listen to Him”?

32.                        Those of godhood of sinners will not stand on the Last Day.

33.                        Those who deny the self-existent nature of God will not stand.

34.                        Those who deny the Incarnate Aseity of Jesus will not stand.

35.                        No one will stand who exalts the Virgin Mary as Redeemer.

36.                        No one will stand who worships Mary as the Fourth Member.

37.                        Those who exalt Mary as an incarnation of Jesus will not stand.

38.                        Those of a denial of faith alone will not stand before the Father.

39.                        No one who denies grace alone will stand before God.

40.                        No one who denies Christ alone will stand on that Day.

41.                        Those of false religion run in vain to get right with God.

42.                        Those who feel they seek God without His all-exclusive intervention by His Spirit and Word are misled about their nature and God’s power in the initiative to save a polluted, lost and radical depraved people who are chosen unto eternal mercy through the Father’s only, eternally begotten God-man.

43.                        The Christian should be a runner like St. Joseph in the Old Testament that runs away from all kinds of sexual immorality.

44.                        Dear Christian, do you run to those who have no voice or do you reside in the comforts of your fancy?

45.                        Will anyone stand up for Jesus in obeying the New Testament command in running after God’s foredetermined gift of His Hand

46.                        Or will they lack human responsibility to delay obedience that is all about disobedience?

47.                        Why is it that the Baptist pastor will run away from those who need someone to bear the burden?

48.                        Why is it that the Presbyterian pastor will run away from those who want to change things to honor Jesus with a misled view of exposing deeds of darkness that has dishonored Jesus for over 400 years regarding the heresy of infant baptism?

49.                        Why do Christians run to cause Jesus Christ to have drops of blood again with the ministry of elect angels attending to Him again when they use the Cross as a comfortable cop-out to establish their forgiveness at the expanse of Jesus where it was the neglect of the simplicity of practical obedience in reflecting the positional truth of dying to sin and living to Jesus?

50.                        The gleam is about the glory of Jesus Christ.

51.                        The gleam is about the honor of Jesus Christ.

52.                        It is about the exalted majesty of Incarnate Deity.

53.                        It is about the superlative holiness of the Triune Aseity.

54.                        Why do you run away from the Cross of Jesus Christ?

55.                        If you add to the Cross of Jesus, what possible good could it do if you add spiritual merit (filthy rages as your covering) to the impeccable holiness of the Cross?

56.                        The Spirit of God enables us to run to Jesus!

57.                        The Father always out runs Satan for those who are His!

58.                        Run to the Cross of Jesus Christ to get pardoned!

59.                        Have you forgotten why Jesus took the road of the Cross? 

60.                        Was it not to obey the divine command of His Father? 

61.                        If this is the case, why do you make every excuse to dishonor the Father by excusing sin through the Son’s Cross? 

62.                        Have you forgotten to obey something over a billion applications of the New Testament Scriptures? 

63.                        Everyone is running to an orgy, but why so few in the Reformed church?  You enjoy sin more than the pleasure of obedience!

64.                        Use your obedience to reach the lost!

65.                        Look!  There is someone who was raped!  Will you not proclaim the peace of Scripture about the Son’s precious teaching of their dignity and God’s meaning of the face of Jesus in suffering?

66.                        Look!  There is someone who was suicidal!  Will you not proclaim the love of the Savior to them that have lost themselves in the darkness of self-harm under the deception of Satan?

67.                        Look!  There is someone is who has fallen into sin!  Will you not give a word of peace in repentance so they may enjoy the Father’s plan of joy of following the eternal Son?

68.                        Look!  There is someone put away as a victim of the time!  Why are you so comfortable in delayed obedience? 

69.                        Look!  There is someone who is alleged to be disturbed!  Are you so far away from all of us but you suppose to be close to holy God that you do not minister to the most desperate cases?  Indeed you are so far away from all of us!  Yes, you are so far away to minister to someone in need that you are close to hell!

70.                        Take up the written Word and share the news of Jesus to them!

71.                        Reach a people who have none but brick walls that close in on them!  Come on!  Let’s share the words of Jesus to the least!

72.                        You whoremasters! who victimize people are on the run from a holy Triune God who is angry with the wicked everyday!

73.                        If the death of Jesus does not teach you to run to the lost with the complete message of His Gospel, you do not have the foggiest idea of the all-necessary Gospel of Jesus Christ.

74.                        Run to the Cross by repentance unto obedience!

75.                        Run to Jesus by faith unto a loving-hope of honoring Him!

76.                        Run to the Bible to obey the Scriptures!

77.                        Do you run to Jesus with a Gospel of forgiveness only but no gift of His Hand in foredetermined demonstration?  You sinner!  You charge God with sin but have no regard for His honor!  Get back in line and honor Jesus where you have fallen!

78.                        Run to the Father about the sins of the past through the Son!

79.                        Do you run without obeying the Son?  Why do yon run to sin without heeding His correction in repentance unto remission?

80.                        If you obey the divine Word, you will run to the out casts!

81.                        If you disobey the Scripture, you will run away from the out cast!

82.                        Are you Adam who ceaselessly charges God with his sin?

83.                        St. Stephen had a mod run at him to stone him, but the Savior stood in His defense because St. Stephen belonged to Him.

84.                        Do you fornicate? But you wonder why the world is not impressed with the church?  You actually run to cause the world to be content with its own because it looks at you!

85.                        Are you running the race to endure to the end by the Spirit?

86.                        Do you pace yourself in a practical sense to live to Jesus and die to sin?

87.                        Are you content with running to sin to trample over the Son?

88.                        Do you plan your sin to advance in life against Jesus?

89.                        Why do Christians run to the devil and his Balaam?

90.                        Run to orthodox Christian theology but if you reject it to advance it is worthless because you know not wisdom that puts the Son’s truth in practice as gospel-deeds.

91.                        Do you run with gospel-deeds or sin-deeds?

92.                        Are you impressed with yourself when you do not spend time in contrite and faithful repentance in a long duration of time during the day and act like you are somehow humble?

93.                        Do you advance through wrongdoing to exalt God’s goodness?  The Son runs to the Father in prayer not to consume you and wipe you off the face of the earth!

94.                        Is your mind running with gospel-thoughts on how to honor Jesus?

95.                        Do you remember that is all about Jesus exalted in biblical revelation that is about His majestic glory in the Father’s design by the application of the Spirit to teach us about the crux of transcendent righteousness that gleams with holiness?

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