Friday, February 21, 2014

95-Disputations on Ezekiel 1:6 and the Wings of the Face of Glory

By M.A. Petillo, D.Th. and Reformed Baptist Preacher

“…Each of them had four faces and four wings…”  (Ezekiel 1:6 NASB).

1.     The beatific vision is the glorification of the redeemed in beholding the face of God in the glory of heaven that is all about Jesus Christ.

2.      Each of the Triune Members of the Godhead is of glory.

3.     The beatific vision is about those of have the glorification of the unified merits of Jesus Christ and His divine glory of His work.

4.     The face of Jesus Christ goes bigger, larger and higher for those who seek His face by His Spirit like Lucy in Narina.

5.     The face of the Father is favor of His people through His Son.

6.     The face of the Son is favor by the Father’s design.

7.     The face of the Spirit is through the Father and the Son.

8.     The elect angels cover themselves with wings due to God’s holiness in glory.

9.     In the presence of the holiness of God the elect angels proclaim of the Triune Majesty “holy, holy, holy.”

10.                        The face of the Triune Godhead is a matter of divine brilliance.

11.                        The face of God is favorable to those in Christ.

12.                        The face of God beholds all things in all of His creation.

13.                        The Triune Majesty is everywhere (omnipresent) in His divine immensity (His immediate presence).

14.                        The elect angels fly for radical good at the command of Jesus.

15.                        The fallen angels fly for radical bad at the command of Satan.

16.                        There is a sense that fallen angels are with wings of rebellion.

17.                        Fallen angels cannot do anything except by the permission of Jesus Christ.

18.                        Jesus Christ does not permit them in approbation of their sin.

19.                        Jesus Christ permits fallen angels to act at the approbation of the establishment of justice as the sovereign Master of the universe.

20.                        A holy Triune God watches all things in His divine presence.

21.                        There is not a place where the omnipresence of God is not.

22.                        The face of God sees the wickedness of fallen sinners.

23.                        The face of God speaks against the sinfulness of men.

24.                        The face of God intervenes against man’s fallen iniquity.

25.                        The face of God hears their tongues on fire from hell.

26.                        The face of God beholds the slaughter of His people but Jesus stands in their defense like St. Stephen who was the first recorded martyr in New Testament writing.

27.                        The face of Jesus prays for His people in divine intercession at His throne to the Father of lights Who is the only Holy Father.

28.                        The face of Jesus beholds the storm against those in the boat of tribulation on the sea of tempest that He speaks to the wind and the waves who remember (in a kind of hyperbole) His voice that spoke them into existence “Peace!  Be still!”

29.                        The eyes of the Father beholds the Cross of Jesus where the face of God is ready to be beheld by His chosen people because all sin is taken away by the Cross and all righteousness is established through His perfect life but imputed from the Cross.

30.                        The faces of angels behold the face of God in a kind of sinlessness that is a different kind of sinlessness in His saints who will possess in glory a greater kind of perfection because of the uniqueness of the unified imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ.

31.                        The elect angels will never be rejected by the Triune Majesty.

32.                        The elect saints will never be rejected by the Triune King.

33.                        The face of Satan is against those of damnation but he will support them to be rebels of evil.

34.                        Satan will gladly take the pre-converted elect to hell.

35.                        Satan does not imitate justice.
36.                        Satan comes with wings of unjust terrorism.

37.                        Satan comes with a mask of good to promote injustice.

38.                        Satan flies on wings of injustice.

39.                        Satan comes to destroy those of the boasting of the Son.

40.                        The scheme of Satan is the face of cosmic rebellion.

41.                        The wings of demons are like movements of stenches to get from one place to another to make people instruments of destruction.

42.                        Satan is a master at those who commit suicide.

43.                        Satan comes on wings of tyranny.

44.                        Satan willfully chose to destroy himself in mutable sinlessness and innocence to violate the holiness of God and establish His justice.

45.                        Satan is a cosmic villain.

46.                        Satan is wanted by the Triune Majesty where He will be placed in everlasting torment forevermore.

47.                        The eyes of Satan will teach us about the outer darkness.

48.                        The mouth of Satan will teach us about rebellion.

49.                        The ears of Satan will teach us about the deafness to holiness but the openness to defiance to goodness, holiness and true light.

50.                        The mind of Satan will teach about the essence of evil craftiness.

51.                        The lips of Satan will condemn him by his fall into sin.

52.                        The trickery of Satan is a mind of malice but a voice of a mask.

53.                        The trickery of Satan is a mind of destruction but lips of darkness.

54.                        The power of Satan is masquerade of wickedness.

55.                        The wings of the elect angels are meant to exalt a holy Triune God.

56.                        The wings of the fallen angels are meant to defy God’s justice but by doing so they establish God’s justice for the Last Day.

57.                        The face of fallen demons want to appear unfallen because they know the simplicity of its good but they use good for evil but such an appearance by the fallen angels militates against themselves because they know that goodness is trusted but evil is shunned but if goodness is trusted and evil is shunned haven’t they proven in their own pursuit of deception the evil of their pursuits because goodness is trusted and evil is shunned and does it not establish God’s ultimate justice at the Last Day in the place of hell?

58.                        The activity of fallen angels are wings of injustice that establish God’s wrath through a sentence of hell where in the earthly realm they should give up and surrender to God’s wrathful justice.

59.                        The face of a child is about innocence but this wicked world defies the innocence of God.

60.                        If they violate such a thing as the innocence of a holy Triune God, why would you think it impossible to violate the innocence of a child because they are sold out to cosmic wickedness?

61.                        The beatific vision is about the perfect holiness of God because Incarnate Eternity brings His people through by Incarnate Time during their life on earth to bring them into His joyful presence at His throne to stand through the unified imputation of Jesus.

62.                        The beatific vision is about experiencing the sweetness of God.

63.                        The beatific vision is about the glory of the unified work of the Son.

64.                        The glory of the face of God is in dominance and proliferation of the life and death of Jesus Christ to the glory of the Father’s design by the application of the Spirit for every elect person.

65.                        The beatific vision is about the glory of the plan of the Father.

66.                        The beatific vision is about the glory of the work of the Son.

67.                        The beatific vision is about the glory of the application of the Holy Ghost.

68.                        The face of injustice is the face of tyranny.

69.                        The face of victimization is the face of Jesus Christ.

70.                        The face of rebellion is the face of Balaam.

71.                        St. Stephen’s face in the Book of Acts glowed with true light.

72.                        The dark wings that travel are the wings of heresy.

73.                        The wings of truth divide heresy like a shape sword of heaven.

74.                        Jesus carries His people on eagle’s wings to bear the burden.

75.                        Jesus shelters us with wings of protection.

76.                        The Father and the Spirit are not incapable of sheltering His people.

77.                        The beauty of being sheltered under His tender wings to cover us from the trouble of this fallen world.

78.                        The face of Moses reflected the glory of God.

79.                        The face of Moses shined with God’s glory.

80.                        The transfigured Jesus was not reflected glory.

81.                        The transfigured Jesus was the Shekinah glory.

82.                        The face of Jesus looks at everything at the command of the Father to do whatsoever is right in co-equal submission but He never does anything opposed to the sinless holiness of the Father.

83.                        The face of a baby in civil innocence is not precedence for infant baptism but for the favor of the face of God upon those for whom He chooses unto everlasting mercy.

84.                        It is better to pray to God in wings of petition for the conceived, the growing unborn who are crafted by the Hand of God in the womb of their mother, and those children who are born to baptize them because who are commanded to pray than to baptize infants.

85.                        There are false wings of infant baptism to a holy God.

86.                        The wings of infant baptism have no regard for the clearness of Scripture that plainly teach credo-baptism.

87.                        The wings of our prayers are about the Spirit of God and His written Word.

88.                        It is about training up all ages in the things of God unto godly living that is all about the absolute glory of God.

89.                        No sinner will be able to fly out of hell with wings of defiance from the endless abyss because it is forever without a hyperbole.

90.                        The birds are nurtured by our Heavenly Father.

91.                        The biblical picture is that He always provides for them in a symbolism that applies to His people but not really a hyperbole about His creatures.

92.                        God takes care of all living things in a direct sense.

93.                        God trains the mama deer to nurture the baby deer…

94.                        God trains the mama birds to dare to see their children of birds to fly on their own….

95.                        God trains the baby bear to stay close to His mama bear to be nurtured in His care….but I suppose its not out of God’s care to have all the things He made wear wings of peace in the face of God in heaven (a kind of hyperbole) because even creation groans unto suffering due to man’s sin.

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