Friday, February 21, 2014

The Little Lamb and Lion: Mikey and Davey Gathered Beside Baby Jesus

Once upon a dark day there was a light from heaven.  Yes, there was a holy child born of a Virgin Mother.  He came as a poor child of this world but He was the heavenly King.  There was no King like this King for He was the Master and Ruler of kings and lords.  He came through humble means that hid His glory in human flesh.  He was not like ordinary people but He was God.  He had a Mother who raised Him with Joseph.  Mary kept things in her heart about the wonderful ways of her Son who was really the Father’s only Son forever.  Joseph cared for Jesus and taught Him to be a carpenter of wood.  Jesus was able to handle wood like He handles people.  He shapes them by His Friend the Spirit of God into His friends by the Father’s plan.  Imagine the star over the place where the Holy Child was!  Imagine this little baby as the ultimate Creator of the all things.  God the Son became man and was born of the Virgin Mary.  The wise men came to worship Him because of past prophecy about this little baby Jesus.  The baby Jesus never did anything wrong but He loved all good things.  He grew up concerned about the plan of His Heavenly Father because His mission was to save all little children.  This little baby grew up to give His life by His own power to save little children who have done wrong and to show He laid down His life He rose again.  Imagine a beautiful garden of flowers dies but when little children think of Jesus we may remember that He lives like a rebirth of a garden of wonderful roses that teach us about His saving power for everyone who places their trust in Him.   He does not ask you to add to Him but He asks you to simply trust this little baby who was God and man that always did whatsoever is right.  Imagine if this little baby was in your heart.  Imagine if you did everything like this little baby.  There was once Shepherd who held in His care a baby sheep and a baby lion.  There was no place for the baby lamb and the baby lion.  There parents searched and searched and found no place to rest.  But the baby lamb and baby lion were born in a rough place to live, but the baby lamb would come to the little children and He would give Himself for them as the offering of peace to the greatest Shepherd of all, His Father.  And the little lion wore a majesty of purple as a great King where He is friends with the baby lamb who wears a majesty of red as a great Redeemer.  And a long time ago all the animals came together in the friends of Noah’s Ark but later on all the animals came together again of the little children’s Savior Jesus Christ because the animals gather around Jesus who really is this little lamb and lion in One.  The animals worship Jesus because all things were made by Him.  Maybe you have seen a little lamb and lion, but Jesus is the picture of these friends in His creation of all things.  The little lamb says to His children “My little child, you must love the Lamb of God who is Jesus, because He came to save little children.”  The little lion says also, “I was a little lion just like you and I am the King of all things so now come blessed of heaven by speaking to God about all things.”  Remember you always have a friend in the little Lamb and Lion who is Jesus Christ.  He says “Come to me” but he also says “I can bear all things and I love you.  Do not go away, my little lambs and lions, but remember, I am always here as the holy child who came to give life forever just for you, but remember my dear little ones, I am unseen but always present; I am unthought of but always thinking of you; I am unfelt but always feeling; I am caring when no one cares.”  The Father of the little Lamb and Lion says “My dear one, there is peace through My Son.”  And the Spirit comes with the gift of the Lamb and Lion “Here is my gift to you, my dear child—yes, it is the baby Jesus.”

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