Friday, September 13, 2013

40-Dipustations in a Sermon and Defense of Monergistic Grace

 Dr. MA Petillo

By grace I'm saved, grace free and boundless;
My soul, believe and doubt it not.
Why stagger at this word of promise?
Hath Scripture ever falsehood taught?
Nay; then this word must true remain:
By grace thou, too, shalt heav'n obtain.
By grace! None dare lay claim to merit;
Our works and conduct have no worth.
God in his love sent our Redeemer,
Christ Jesus, to this sinful earth;
His death did for our sins atone,
And we are saved by grace alone.
By grace! O, mark this word of promise
When thou art by thy sins oppressed,
When Satan plagues thy troubled conscience,
And when thy heart is seeking rest.
What reason cannot comprehend
God by his grace to thee doth send.
By grace! This ground of faith is certain;
So long as God is true, it stands.
What saints have penned by inspiration,
What in his Word our God commands,
What our whole faith must rest upon,
Is grace alone, grace in his Son.  (TH, 399).

1.  The only way God saves a lost pre-converted sinner is through monergistic grace by the coming of the Spirit accompanying the written Word, and the written Word accompanying the Spirit.

2.  Monergistic grace is the total and complete work of the Father's will through His dear Son by His Spirit through the power of the written Word in changing the spiritual position of a lost sinner to salvation in Christ alone for the glory of God alone.

3.  Monergistic grace denies that a hating and waring lost sinner can spiritually choose God through cooperative grace in redemption.

4.  Monergistic grace holds that fallen man is spiritually dead in cosmic treason and villainy (he remains spiritually passive while Spirit accomplishes all the work), but the Spirit of God comes to bring the gift of a new heart, new righteousness, new faith and a new nature.

5.  Monergistic grace by the real Holy Spirit is the gift of a new heart in Christ alone.

6.  Monergistic grace by the Holy Ghost is the gift of new faith in the all-sufficient Cross of Jesus Christ alone.

7.  Monergistic grace by the real Spirit of God is the gift of a new position and nature in Christ alone with a holy God where now the alienated sinner through the fall of Adam is at peace with a righteous God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

8.  Monergistic grace is not cooperative grace.  That is, no one apart from God can choose God through the fallen will of a sinner.

9.  Monergistic grace is how God divinely intervenes in bestowing the gift of eternal life in Christ alone.

10.  Monergistic grace is God's way of granting spiritual salvation.

11.  Monergistic grace is not the baptismal waters of regeneration.

12.  Monergistic grace is the very call of a holy God in Christ alone.

13.  Monergistic grace is not man-centered but God-centered.

14.  Spiritual rebirth is God's way of monergistic grace.

15.  Effectual calling is God's way of monergistic grace.

16.  Regeneration in the plain testimony of the written Word is monergistic grace by the real activity of the Spirit and the Word.

17.   The only way to have real faith is the way of monergistic grace.

18.  The only way to have true contrite repentance is through monergistic grace.

19.  The only way to be forgiven is through the initial work of salvation in spiritual rebirth by the Spirit of God because He comes with the centrality and supremacy of the very gift of Jesus Christ who precedes from the Father and the Son for the glory of the Triune God alone not the glory of man.

20.  The alleged sovereignty of fallen man is the foreign suggestion from the plain testimony of the written Word that fallen man is spiritually free to choose Christ in  the God-centered and mongeristic gospel of grace.

21.  The monergistic grace of Christ is that He has the spiritual freedom and divine power alone to choose whosoever He wills unto the glory of His mercy for the salvation of every elect lost sinner who He chooses to save.

22.   Monergistic grace is about the glory of God the Father.

23.  Monergistic grace is about the glory of God the Son.

24.  Monergistic grace is about the glory of God the Spirit.

25.  The clear testimony of the infallible Scriptures is that fallen man does not get the glory only owed to a holy God alone in the Bible-centered glad tidings of the monergistic gospel.

26.  Monergistic grace is all-abundant favor of a holy God alone.

27.   Monergistic grace is about the glory of God alone that totally excludes the boasting of fallen rebels.

28.  Those who advocate cooperative grace are blinded professing Christians who advocate a reason to boast in God's holy presence.

29.  Monergistic grace is the greatest and only kind of grace.

30.  Monergistic grace is undeserved, rich and manifold by a holy God through the ministry of the real Spirit of God in granting sinners the gift of the glorious gospel.

31.  No one can earn the monergistic gospel brought by the Spirit.

32.  Monergistic grace in Christian living provides the possessing Christian with power from on high by a holy God.

33.  No fallen man can do the work of the Spirit while claiming it is due to man's freedom.  Rather only the Spirit has the divine power to do God's work of salvation.

34.  Monergistic grace brings about the unified imputed righteousness of Christ alone, but how can a fallen will become efficacious when it is spiritually dead?  

35.  The spiritually dead cannot respond or cooperate without the glad tidings of monergistic grace, because God alone is truly free in His absolute and supreme sovereignty.

36.  Monergistic grace truly honors Christ above cooperative grace.

37.  Cooperative grace honors man above God and His glory alone.

38.  Cooperative grace is man-made tradition, but monergistic grace is from the err-free Scriptures in the OT and NT.

39.  Fallen man is completely offended at monergistic grace, because it shows man his completely fallen and limited condition.

40.  There is no glory or boasting of man in monergistic grace like the outcome of cooperative grace.  Rather the glory or boasting of God is not due to man but to God Himself.

Marvelous grace of our loving Lord,
Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt,
Yonder on Calvary's mount outpoured,
There where the blood of the Lamb was spilt.
Grace, grace, God's grace,
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God's grace,
Grace that is greater than all my sin.
Sin and despair like the sea waves cold,
Threaten the soul with infinite loss;
Grace that is greater, yes, grace untold,
Points to the refuge, the mighty cross.
Dark is the stain that we cannot hide,
What can avail to wash it away?
Look! there is flowing a crimson tide;
Whiter than snow you may be today.  (TH, 705).

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