Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fiat Justitia Super Eam: A Mere 25-Disputation on the Real Spiritual and Sleepless Evil of Mordor

 Dr. MA Petillo
aka "Samwise Gamgee"

Standing by a purpose true,
Heeding God's command,
Honor them, the faithful few!
All hail to Daniel's band!
Dare to be a Daniel!
Dare to stand alone!
Dare to have a purpose firm!
Dare to make it known!
Many mighty men are lost,
Daring not to stand,
Who for God had been a host
By joining Daniel's band.
Many giants, great and tall,
Stalking through the land,
Headlong to the earth would fall,
If met by Daniel's band.
Hold the gospel banner high;
On to vict'ry grand;
Satan and his host defy,
And shout for Daniel's band.  (TH, 660).

1.  There is a real difference between the Spiritual Shire and the Spiritual Morder on Earth.  That is, the Spiritual Shire furthers peace, friendship, fellowship and harmless fun on the good.  However, the Spiritual Morder furthers war, wickedness that never sleeps, division among criminals and a unity like ancient Babel.

2.  The Spiritual Mordor in a modern context is furthered by advancement in wrongdoing for the interests of fallen man through the power of fallen Lucifer.

3.  The Spiritual Shire is where the hope of the forgotten place of post-millennialism resides but we maintain there will always be evil until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Day of Judgment.

4.  The divine truth of sin from Adam's historical fall has become myth or legend, but the sinless God-man refers back to the creation of man as when holy Triune God made them male and female by instantaneous creation.

5.  The Spiritual Mordor is alive and well on earth today with the "eye of Satan" almost everywhere and his "spies" never sleep.

6.  The Spiritual Shire will always have a spiritual fight against the forces of darkness who come on spiritual black horses in the shadows of night, but the Christian has the armor of the Spirit.

7.  The forces of darkness come without cause against the Christian people of God in Christ and elect angels desire to look into things of God's people in Christ because that is where the presence of the Spirit is in a salvational sense.

8.  The Spiritual Morder murdered the King, but He was able to break the darkness of death by His bodily resurrection unto life.

9.  The Spiritual Morder creates an army from the abyss of hell, but they further a death that never dies in a punishment sentenced by a holy Triune God unto a place of cosmic justice, ruin, and torment.

10.  The one ring to rule them all was something Satan furthered through the temptation of Adam and Eve.  That is, it caused the fall of humanity in rising above a superlatively holy God where they reasoned around a biblical rationality and submitted to Satan over against a holy Triune God.

11.  The Spiritual Morder was in recorded history with Cain, because Gullum rose up against his fellow brother and murdered him in the Spiritual Shire.

12.  The ring of sin is now taken without question among the sons and daughters of Adam by Satan, but the spiritual presence of Satan is still watching in a powerful creaturely-design by a all-wise God in working out His purpose without furthering him but he is engaging in the cosmic activity of seeking whom he may crush and devour at any given moment without cause.

13.  The dimension of Satan is a rebellious counterintelligence that is steeped in the lurking places of shadow in outer darkness.

14.  The dimension of Christ is a place where He reigns as the Eternal King over all creation, but everything is known and plain to Him because He is the very meaning of Incarnate Wisdom that far surpasses the so-called worldly wisdom of this fallen world.

15.  King Jesus fights for His own as another Aragron, because He loves His little children also fight through His protection.

16.  Incarnate Deity is apart from us touching His humanity that is sighted at the Right Hand of God the Father, but He is never absent from us touching His divine presence.  That is, Jesus Christ has two natures: namely, a sinless human nature and a sinless divine nature.  We must distinguish between them but never separate them.

17.  Christian fellowship is much like the fellowship of the ring.  It personally reminds of the historical account of Noah's family, but the ring become legendary like Noah's fellowship in his Ark due to world-wide cosmic sin and rebellion, and the very concept of sin among secular philosophers is a myth or legend just like the ring of Lord of the Rings.

18.  Mount Doom is much like the historical city of Sodom, because a holy God rained hell out of heaven.  That is, the very fires of sin that seemed to preserve them ended up destroying them.  The darkness of hell will smite them: namely, evil repays the wicked.

19.  Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee is much like a pilgrim Christian on his way to put sin to death while Jesus sticks closer than a brother: namely, he is a friend who never gives up on his brother.  There is a brother closer than a friend.  That is, Jesus Christ is a loving friend for His chosen people.   Frodo would represent the Christian on a mission to destroy evil, but Samwise is much like Jesus in carrying His friend through the fires of the storm of Mount Doom to bring vengeance upon sin from the very place it was created: namely, in the fires of the black darkness of the abyss.

20.  Gandalf the Grey is also like Elijah or St. Paul, because he is able to do his supernatural power for His friends.

21.  Gandalf the White also reminds this least of evangelists of the resurrection of elect angels in the line of duty that is totally unheard of these days that comes with the surprise of His friends in the living forest where they expect an enemy when it is a friend.  The basic aim is to always use discernment in light of the Word of Jesus: namely, Gandalf would say "always follow your nose."  In other words, look for signs that God gives to us that show us the right way to go even if it means a war against the gates of Mordor.

22.  Saruman was on the side of good things, but he turned to evil.  This is much like the fall of Lucifer and Judas Iscariot.  Evil will be able to turn those who do not really know Jesus without restoration.  

23.  Frodo Baggins struggled with the evil of evil and the fight of fights with the Nazgul, but this is like how believers in Christ struggle with their sin.  It is always there wanting to have more and more of sin, but the ring was destroyed.  That is, one day sin will be no more for those of God's chosen in Christ.  There is a real sense where Christ paid for our sin at the Cross.  It means the converted elect sinner has the forgiveness and cleansing of sin.  

24.  The reality of death like the forgotten ring will be cast into the lake of doom from whence it came.  That is, we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ.

25.  A Morgul blade is like Satan and his minions that come with attacks of sin, but the spiritual remedy of Christ is faith and repentance in the grace of the spiritual Rivendell.

This is the day the Lord hath made;
He calls the hours his own;
Let heav'n rejoice, let earth be glad,
And praise surround the throne.
Today he rose and left the dead,
And Satan's empire fell;
Today the saints his triumphs spread,
And all his wonders tell.
Hosanna to th'anointed King,
To David's holy Son!
Help us, O Lord; descend and bring
Salvation from the throne.
Blest be the Lord, who comes to men
With messages of grace;
Who comes in God his Father's Name
To save our sinful race.
Hosanna in the highest strains
The church on earth can raise!
The highest heav'ns in which he reigns
Shall give him nobler praise.  (TH, 326).

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