Monday, November 11, 2013

12-Parts on 120-Points for "Thine Is the Glory Alone": A Rational and Scriptural Study of the Most High Son of Man

1.  The Eternal Self-Existence of God the Son

  1. The eternal self-existence of the Son means He always was.
  2. There was never a time when the Son did not exist touching His deity.
  3. There is an eternal everlastingness that does not conflict with the Son.
  4. The Son is the Alpha and Omega, because He always was.
  5. The Son is the Great I AM, because He is the divine Son of Man.
  6. The Son is the Most High King, because He is God the Son.
  7. The Son is the eternal I AM, because He is inherently God.
  8. The Son is Jehovah, because He is really God.
  9. The Son is the Friend of sinners, because He is the Divine Savior.
  10. The Son took upon flesh, because He redeemed His people.
2.  The Old Testament History of God the Son

  1. The Son was titled the ANGEL OF THE LORD, because He is God.
  2. The Son was in the beginning before the creation of the world.
  3. The Son existed from everlasting to everlasting before He was born.
  4. The Son existed before creation; that is, He is eternally pre-existed.
  5. The Son existed as the eternal Logos, because He is the eternal Word.
  6. The Son is the eternal Word of God, because He is the living Word.
  7. The Son is the everlasting Savior, because it was His purpose become man in Jesus Christ.
  8. The Son was in the burning bush, because He pre-existed.
  9. The Son was the King on His throne before Isaiah.
  10. The Son is called the Angel of the Lord, but He is really God.
3.  The Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ

  1. The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is the means He became man.
  2. The Son did not cease to be God when He became man.
  3. The Son was born to save His people.
  4. The Son was born to intercede for His people.
  5. The Son was born to live for His people.
  6. The Son was born to die for His people.
  7. The Son was born to resurrect Himself for His people.
  8. The Son was born to take our sin upon the Cross.
  9. The Son was born to satisfy divine justice.
  10. The Son was born to save His people to the uttermost.
4.  The Early Childhood of the Lord Jesus Christ

  1. The early childhood and manhood of Jesus Christ was about the will of God.
  2. The focus of His early childhood and manhood was all about the Father’s plan for His people and His preparation by practice.
  3. The Lord Jesus Christ in His childhood was about learning the things of God.
  4. The Lord Jesus Christ was about following His Father’s commandments in perfect submission.
  5. The little Lord Jesus never sinned; for He was always perfect.
  6. The Lord is perfect and sinless, because He is the Lord of glory.
  7. The Lord in His manhood before 30 years of age was about prayer and devotion to God in preparation of His three-year ministry.
  8. The Lord was trained by His parents, but also taught His parents wisdom.
  9. The Lord grew in wisdom touching His humanity, because His pursuit is about wisdom.
  10. The Lord was a good boy when He was little, but because there was sin in the world there was always a frustration with sinners.
5.  The Miracles of the Lord Jesus Christ

  1. The miracles of Jesus Christ are signs in the Gospel of John that testify of His deity.
  2. The miracles of Christ show compassion.
  3. The miracles of Christ show mercy.
  4. The miracles of Christ show love.
  5. The miracles of Christ show tenderhearted mercies.
  6. The miracles of Christ show loving-kindnesses.
  7. The miracles of Christ show goodness.
  8. The miracles of Christ show holiness.
  9. The miracles of Christ show godliness.
  10. The miracles of Christ show tenderness.
6. The All-Perfect Life of the God-man

  1. The all-perfect life of the God-man is what efficacious merit is.
  2. The life of the Son is about the God-man.
  3. The life of the Son is all about spiritual salvation.
  4. The Son’s life is never to be confused with someone else.
  5. The Son’s life is always about perfection and sinlessness.
  6. The Son’s life is never to be confused with an unmerited merit of other saints.
  7. The Son’s life is all about the life that destroys death.
  8. The Son’s life is all about the life of Himself gives for His people.
  9. The Son’s life is all about the merit that saves to the uttermost.
  10. There is no sinner’s merit in any sense but His merit alone.
7.  The All-Perfect Offering of the Lamb of God

  1. The Son’s death is the offering of Himself as the Lamb of God.
  2. The Son’s perfect offering is about His offering for our sins. 
  3. The Son’s perfect death is about His offering of Himself.
  4. The Son’s perfect death is about taking away our sin.
  5. The Son’s death is the only way sinner has a divine righteousness outside of themselves.
  6. The Son’s death is where we obtain His unified righteousness.
  7. The death of the Son takes upon Himself sin who knew no sin.
  8. The death of the Son gives us His imputed righteousness.
  9. The death of the Son causes us to think about His acceptable worthiness alone.
  10. The death of the Son causes us to accept His divine and unified merit alone in our behalf.
8.  The Triumphant Bodily Resurrection

  1. The bodily resurrection is a triumphant resurrection over death.
  2. The bodily resurrection refers to the destruction of death.
  3. Jesus Christ alone bodily rose from the dead.
  4. The other accounts in the Bible are restorations.
  5. The bodily resurrection of Jesus is unique.
  6. The bodily resurrection of Jesus is set apart.
  7. It counters sin, because there is nothing else.
  8. It shows us that there is a heaven, because of Him who rose.
  9. It shows us that there is a God, because of His resurrection
  10. It shows us His teachings are true, because of His resurrection.
9.  The Triumphant Bodily Ascension

  1. The triumphant bodily ascension shows He was taken from the earthly to the heavenly, because of His rising to heaven.
  2. The ascension teaches us that we are seated in the heavenly places.
  3. The ascension teaches us that it is a real event in history.
  4. We should not overlook this teaching by Jesus Christ.
  5. We should celebrate ascension Thursday.
  6. It has a redemptive importance, because it was His highest exaltation.
  7. The ascension teaches us about His magnificent glory.
  8. It was better for Him to go then to stay, because it was His divine plan.
  9. The meaning of our Lord Jesus’ ascension was later understood by His people as a great cosmic event, because it is all about Him.
  10. Jesus departed into the clouds, because it meant the glory of the Lord.
10.  The Sinless Eternal King

  1. The eternal King reigns over the world, all government and the church.
  2. There is a threefold understanding of Jesus; that is, He is a prophet, priest and king.
  3. He was a prophet, because He taught the divine teachings of God.
  4. He was a priest, because He offered the sacrifice and was the sacrifice.
  5. He is a king, because He rules over all things.
  6. He is head of His church, because He is the king eternal.
  7. There is no one who can take His place as prophet, priest and king in the ultimate sense.
  8. He is the Lord of glory; the King of glory; the Head of His Church.
  9. He has all control in His hand, because He is in control of all things.
  10. He is the Lord of all nations, because He is the King of all nations; that is, one day all nations will bow the knee to Him.
11.  The Unceasing Intercession of the Substitute

  1. He never fails to intercede for His people.
  2. He never fails to live for His people.
  3. He always makes intercession for all that are His.
  4. He has a divine ceaseless intercession.
  5. He never stops to proclaim His merits to the Father for His people.
  6. He always avails for His people before the Father.
  7. The Father eternally begot the Son, because He is the one who intercedes for us in light of the Father’s just wrath against us.
  8. The Son only intercedes for those for whom He intended to die.
  9. The Son never fails to live for His Father, because it is the Father who started the divine plan to send the Son.
  10. His intercession is His never failing intercession.
12.  The Public Rapture and Second Coming of the King

  1. The public rapture and the second coming are not two different events.
  2. The public rapture and the second coming are the same event.
  3. There are some who separate the two, but it is one and the same.
  4. The rapture of the church is about the saints of Christ coming with Him to the earth after they are taken up with Him to begin the final judgment of mankind.
  5. The second coming of Christ is an essential doctrine of the faith.
  6. It is the Day of the Lord, because it is His time to come to judge the world.
  7. It is described as “that day” or the “last day.”
  8. He will come to fulfill His written Word.
  9. He comes to raise the dead.
  10. He comes to destroy death.

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