Saturday, November 16, 2013

95-Disputations on Revelation 1:5 and the Loving Purity of the Real Washing of Elect Sinner's Sin Through Incarnate Alpha and Omega's Own Blood Atonement By the Savior/Redeemer/the Beginning and the End JESUS CHRIST

Revelation 1:5 KJV
"...Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood..."

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
O precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my cleansing this I see—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
For my pardon this my plea—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Nothing can for sin atone—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
Naught of good that I have done—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my hope and peace—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
This is all my righteousness—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Now by this I'll overcome—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
Now by this I'll reach my home—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.   (TH, 677).

"...If Christ had not gone to the cross and suffered in our stead, the just for the unjust, there would not have been a spark of hope for us. There would have been a mighty gulf between ourselves and God, which no man ever could have passed..." (J.C. Ryle, The Cross: A Call to the Fundamentals of Religion).

1.  Around 3940 BC Adam and Eve fell in the Garden of Eden by mutable disobedience against God's commandment to not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

2.  Around this time God the Son in the Garden (it was God the Son because the Bible is about Him alone) before His incarnation spoke of His First coming in the earliest record of recorded history for His all-sufficient, all-exclusive, and all-necessary atonement of Jesus Christ alone.

3.  His Messianic prophecy of His atonement nearly 4000 years before it would happen in the meticulous foredetermination of His Cross by the design of the Father through His eternal Son was for all the believing ones who respond in faith and repentance by the regenerating work of the Spirit.

4.  Jesus Christ came to love, wash and redeem His chosen ones alone (who are chosen before earthly time) in His own blood (see Gen 3:15).

5.  The design of the Father about the work of the Son predates all history in "eternity past," but everything the Father foredetermined through His Son by His Spirit is known to Him perfectly concerning the meaning of the Cross.

6.  He foredetermined the Cross in eternity past, but also spoke of it in prophecy in light of that foredetermination that was yet to come for the glory of Jesus at His Cross.

7.  The prophecy of the Cross was based on God's foredetermination of all things, but for the edification or building up of the people of God in Christ for the ultimate vindication of the Triune Majesty against sin for the glory of the Son.

8.   All things are about the glory of the Son unto mercy of the application of the Cross by His Spirit for His chosen ones alone or the justice of the forever hiding of the Gospel for His chosen vessels of wrath.

9.  The eternal Son came to atone for sin to the Father, because its about the glory of the Father in His design through the glory of the submission of the Son in His work by the glory of the application of the Spirit in His regenerating and convicting presence for His elect people alone unto mercy.

10.  Animal sacrifices could not take away sin, because no animal has the inherent ability to wash away sin for fallen sinners.

11.  Animal sacrifice is aforeprophecy picture of the slaughter of the divine Lamb of God: namely, Jesus Christ as the known Offerer and Offering by His people who are ransomed by Father through Son in the absolute victory of Jesus Christ over sin, death and Satan.

12.  The beginning was a foredetermined prophecy by God the Son in the Garden of Eden about the perfect justice of the Cross.

13.  The end is His personal Second Coming where it is the beginning for the Joy of His People, but the end for the reprobate as the Day of Wrath.

14.  No one in the place of hell had the intent of the Son's Cross by the application of the Spirit to atone for them to pardon for sin.

15.   Everyone in hell will never have their sins atoned for, but they go on in a lifeless life unto a deathless death that is the essence of God-appointed destruction in the pit of the endless abyss of eternal terror, torment and gnashing of teeth, because of their cosmic villainy in original sin and actual transgressions.

16.  The Cross is the Son's suffering unto redemption, but the suffering of hell is unto a non-redemptive but endless suffering.

17.  The Cross transforms His people unto eternal and unbreakable mercy, but hell never transforms anyone unto eternal and relentless misery-filled objects of eternal indignation-filled fury.

18.  If Rome's priests are mediators, how are they able to forgive sin in the confessional when they are not God Incarnate like the real Jesus Christ?

19.  If Rome's priests are mediators, how are they able to make bread into Jesus' body and blood when no Roman priest is Jehovah in human flesh?

20.  If Rome's priests are mediators, how do you explain that they are not sinless God and sinless Man (two natures in One Person) that necessities a the true truth of the essence of a authentic and only Mediator Jesus Christ?

21.  If Rome's priests are mediators by true biblical standards, does that not necessitate that Rome's priests are actually the perversity of the fourth member doctrine that unlawfully slandered John Huss who predicted Luther 100 years before he came?

22.  True Christians are loved through the same love of the Father to the Son, but the Bible does not teach that this makes us into the Son.

23.  We are loved through the Son's unified merits alone by faith alone and it is because of the Son, but no one can be made into the Son in the absolute sense due to His eternal self-existence in the Power of Being.

24.  If the Father does not love us like His Son (but not made into another literal Son like Jesus) and through His eternal Son, how does it constitute real redemptive love by God's oath?

25.  Isn't the literal meaning of Scripture that the Father loves His chosen through the Son in such a way that destroys the mere suggestion or possibility of residence in hell?

26.  Does the Father's love through the Son by His atonement make us into literal gods?  By no means!  Where in heaven's name do people get these things? 

27.  Does the Son's love make us into gods?  Not at all.  How can that which is finite become infinite in the ordinary sense of from everlasting to everlasting?  It is impossible.

28.   What does God mean that all things are possible?  It refers to the sinless life of Christ as the grounds of justification by faith alone, but the Cross that takes away sin.  

29.  The Cross is what does the impossible, because all things are possible with God at His Cross in forgiveness and cleansing for all believing ones by His Spirit and Word alone.

30.  We see the impossibility of animal sacrifice, but the precedence of Jesus Christ in His Cross.

31.  We see the impossibility of thieves and robbers, but the sole meaning of the ultimate Lamb at His Cross.

32.  We see the impossibility of satisfaction won by the Virgin Mary and the saints, but the sole divine satisfaction won by Christ alone!

33.  We see the impossibility of adding any form of meritorious cooperation to the Cross, but the Spirit comes with the Gift of Gifts to apply it to our souls as we remain spiritually dead and passive fallen sinners but those of the elect who respond in faith and repentance unto a life-sustaining remission.

34.  Those who follow the Way of the Cross is from the work of the Spirit and Word, but it is not because of so-called natural or spiritual freedom that is native to us but it must be from God alone.

35.  There are those who enjoy the Way of the Cross like Herod before John the Baptist, but they are not authentically awakened by the Spirit and Word.

36.  There is only one way to be washed: namely, it is through Jesus Christ alone.

37.  There is only one way to be forgiven: namely, it is through the divine Lamb of God alone.

38.  There is only one way to be cleansed: namely, it is through the divine Son of Man alone.

39.  There is only one way to be atoned for: namely, it is through the sinless Redeemer/God.

40.  There is only one way to be loved, but it is through the eternal Son of God.

41.  The design of the Father is the Cross.

42.  The enduring the death of the Cross is Jesus.

43.   The work of the Spirit is preceding from the Father and Son, because it is always about what is holy.

44.  The Spirit brings God's chosen the Cross.

45.  The Cross softens hearts in a civil way touching never-converted reprobates that is not redemptive (like the birth of Jesus that is about His death), but when the Spirit softens hearts in a redemptive sense it is for heaven.

46.  The Father's design of the Cross in His Son through His Spirit is not unlawful, but establishes the co-equal submission of the Son and Spirit to the Father.

47.  There are those who fight for the Cross through subtraction and addition, but its the works of hell.

48.  There are those who fight for the Cross in saying we do not need His  sinless life as the grounds for how we are right with God, but instead to earn our own way by so-called civil goodness that is the requirements of hell.

49.  We do not unlawfully say the life of Christ earns spiritual salvation, but for those who contend it, I simply say, what right do you have to divide the unified work of Jesus Christ as a prescription for redemption instead of confessing His sinless life and sinless death for the only way for justification by faith alone?

50.  If Roman Catholic salvation is true, how does one account for their addition to the untouchable agony of the Cross by personal meritorious suffering through sin-polluted indulgences?

51.  If there is meritorious suffering in personal torments, how could it reckon the Father's acceptance when Christ is sinless Incarnate Deity and you are but a worthless worm prepared for destruction by conception?

52.  If there was a justice that satisfies divine justice besides the Cross that Rome to this day maintains, how is the Cross essentially central or cosmically central or spiritually central?

53.  The Cross takes away all sin whatsoever.

54.  The Cross is all-sufficient for His people.

55.  The Cross is all-exclusive for His chosen.

56.  The Cross is all-necessary for His few.

57.  The Cross is the Savior's shame, but the elect sinner's acceptance before the Father by the Spirit.

58.  The Cross is a real picture of justice.

59.  The Cross is a real picture of mercy.

60.  The Cross is a real picture of love.

61.  The Cross is a real picture of spiritual salvation and redemption.

62.  The Cross is a real picture of compassion.

63.  The Cross is untouchable redemptively for spiritual salvation in the heights, depths, breath, and length of genuine satisfaction for divine justice before the Father that we imitate Jesus in a set apart weakness tainted with corruption and mountains of imperfection and monuments of  prideful idolatry.

64.  There is no one who could do the same act of the Cross in the absolute sense of atonement touching a redemptive reality for pardoning sin.

65.  The Cross is about holiness, but what will you do without holiness that does not add to Christ alone but is a predestinarian demonstration of the unified work of Christ in a shattered image of the sinner but a reflection of His foredetermined intent in holiness?

66.  The Cross is about the good pleasure of God, but what does good pleasure mean?  Simply God's good holiness.

67.  What we reflected God's good pleasure in His Cross?  Wouldn't that mean sinners would give their life for the most right thing possible and the highest good possible?  

68.  If we imitate Jesus without adding to His perfected work, we will change the world, but Jesus asks the Father in a limited sense yet not less profound in a creaturely sense, "...who is there among the chosen sons and daughters of Adam that reflects my sufferings, Father?"

68.  At the Cross of Jesus He was saying to the Father, "Impute upon me all the sin that My people may in exchange have My righteousness stand before You.  I bear weight and load.  A friend to the foe but now the foe is a friend to stand in garments that cleanse the crimson stain of red!"

69.  At the Cross Satan must flee but he says, "I will make every sinner a overflowing pile of sin.  Defile them will be my win!  You must bear the load A Savior untold!  Mark this day well!  I remember to make it tell.  You endure the justice while roam to overflow!  I'll defeat You by the pain You endure!  Overflow!  Overflow!  Matters not but spite all I got!  There is only death O lifeless Prince!"

70.  The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ verifies His unified work of His life and death of the God-man.

71.  He defeated death through the life of His matchless resurrection against death.

72.  His unattainable bodily ascension was a set apart uniqueness in rising above this world of dark cold realms of the blackness of a flaming red sun that is not hot enough to scorch the sins of the spiritual flames of hell.

73.  The preaching of the Son is about Himself.

74.  The preaching of the Son is about His life.

75.  The preaching of the Son is about His death.

76.  The preaching of the Son is about His resurrection and ascension.

77.  The preaching of the Son is about the command (not invitation) of the pre-converted elect sinner to repent and believe the Glad Tidings of the Gospel.

78.   See the unity among the twelve apostles though one has fallen deeper than the grave?  Let us go back and have this unity once again!  If we stand united on confessional truth in great detail, we imitate the unity of the family of Noah.  What are we waiting for?  Don't you know Jesus could come back at any time?  In a practical sense, don't you want to have the best way of the church ready for our Lord since He split His blood in such an ocean that buries every sin no matter the black darkness of the sea?

79.  Those who hate the Cross hate the Father's design.

80.  Those who hate the Cross hate the atonement of Jesus Christ.

81.  Those who hate the Cross hate the application of the Spirit and the knowledge of the Word.

82.  No one is saved apart from the FULLNESS of the Cross, but if this is denied it means you are ready for hell unless God intervenes in time and space.

83.  Was Judas Iscariot saved near the Cross?  By no means whatsoever!  He choose self-destruction, because God lifted His Hand of restrainment and caused his demise for a cause of justice in HOLY HATRED of sinful treason.

84.  Sin was applied to the Son but yet He remained sinless, because sin never became apart of His matchless sinlessness that is a characteristic of eternal self-existence.

85.  Saints will be sinless in glory, but it is a creaturely sinlessness.

86.  Saints who are yet sinners are sinless in regards to their soul, but in regards to their body they possess a remaining radical corruption with real sins of the shadow of death while it cannot undo the undoable work of the Spirit and Word.

87.  The way of true saints are so because of the Cross, because the Cross is the only way of pardon.

88.  Think on the Cross of Jesus Christ.

89.  Think on the pardon by the Cross for His people.

90.  Think on the holiness of the Cross.

91.  Think on the example of the Cross.

92.  Think on the pain of Jesus at the Cross.

93.  Think on the justice of the Cross.

94.  Do not overlook any sin: bring all to Jesus.

95.  Watch out world!  Jesus lives to bring His death so you may die to sin and live to Him.  Amen.

"...O my soul, look at Jesus!
He is your Substitute.
He is there for you!
He is suffering death for you!
He is bearing the desert of your sins in His body on the tree!
He is enduring your curse, being made accursed for you!
He is revealing . . .
what is in man's nature,
what is in God's heart, and
what He is willing to do and suffer — rather than I should perish!
Yes, Jesus is there for me!
He represents my person!
He answers for my crimes!
He dies in my stead!
(James Smith, "Looking Upon the Pierced One" 1860)

Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands,
For our offenses given;
But now at God's right hand he stands
And brings us life from heaven;
Therefore let us joyful be
And sing to God right thankfully
Loud songs of hallelujah. Hallelujah!
It was a strange and dreadful strife
When life and death contended;
The victory remained with life,
The reign of death was ended;
Holy Scripture plainly saith
That death is swallowed up by death,
His sting is lost for ever. Hallelujah!
Here the true Paschal Lamb we see,
Whom God so freely gave us;
He died on the accursed tree—
So strong his love!—to save us.
See, his blood doth mark our door;
Faith points to it, death passes o'er,
And Satan cannot harm us. Hallelujah!
So let us keep the festival
Whereto the Lord invites us;
Christ is himself the Joy of all,
The Sun that warms and lights us.
By his grace he doth impart
Eternal sunshine to the heart;
The night of sin is ended. Hallelujah!
Then let us feast this joyful day
On Christ, the Bread of heaven;
The Word of grace hath purged away
The old and evil leaven.
Christ alone our souls will feed,
He is our meat and drink indeed;
Faith lives upon no other. Hallelujah!  (TH, 207).

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