Sunday, October 6, 2013

95-Disputations on a Detailed Point-by-Point "Luther-Style-Like-Imitation" Sermon on 1 John 1:7 and a New But Old Commandment

1.)  The new but old commandment is Christ honoring love.

2.)  The new but old commandment is the supremacy of God.

3.)  The new but old commandment is the sovereignty of God.

4.)  The new but old commandment is the sinless life of Jesus.

5.)  The new but old commandment is the Cross of Jesus Christ.

6.)  The new but old commandment is the bodily Risen Christ.

7.)  The new but old commandment is justice satisfied at the Cross.

8.)  The new but old commandment is mercy by the Cross.

9.)  The new but old commandment is the Ascension of Jesus.

10.)  The new but old commandment is Jesus as Messiah.

11.)  The new but old commandment is the eternal God-man.

12.)  The new but old commandment is God-speaking in His Word.

13.)  The new but old commandment is Jesus on the move.

14.)  The new but old commandment is the will of the Father.

15.)  The new but old commandment is the rebirth by the Spirit.

16.)  The new but old commandment is power of the Word.

17.)  The new but old commandment is the all-seeing eye of God.

18.)  The new but old commandment is the unabbable Word.

19.)  The new but old commandment is do not use sin as a cover-up for evil, because it makes Jesus weep again.

20.)  The new but old commandment is God the Son in the OT.

21.)  The new but old commandment is love thy enemy.

22.)  The new but old commandment is love thy neighbor.

23.)  The new but old commandment is in times of war use the way of Stonewall Jackson in the American civil war: namely, come with the gospel to a lost brother in Adam and a sword to wage war because it is about David's OT hatred of nation among nations.

24.)  The new but old commandment is hatred of violence.

25.)  The new but old commandment is hatred of murder.

26.)  The new but old commandment is neglect of violence.

27.)  The new but old commandment is take up the pen instead of the sword, but if the sword let it be the Word of God.

28.)  The new but old commandment is self-defense at all costs.

29.)  The new but old commandment is the proper context of the civil magistrate: namely, Scripture above government not government above Scripture.  

30.)  The new but old commandment is obedience to Romans 13.

31.)  The new but old commandment is preached the Word with the sacrament of the real yet spiritual Eucharist every Sunday.

32.)  The new but old commandment is faith and repentance.

33.)  The new but old commandment is love a holy Triune God.

34.)  The new but old commandment is obey the Ten Commandments in a non-earning demonstration of the Christian life for the honor of Jesus Christ with Spirit-led excellence.

35.)  The new but old commandment is appoint reliable and trustworthy Christian men to the ruling eldership.

36.)  The new but old commandment is obey the over 1, 000 NT commandments in God-speaking divine revelation.

37.)  The new but old commandment is read the Bible all year around, because it is the very voice of God alone.

38.)  The new but old commandment is sing Christian hymns.

39.)  The new but old commandment is pray the Valley of Vision.

40.)  The new but old commandment is defense of the faith.

41.)  The new but old commandment is teach the faith.

42.)  The new but old commandment is spread the Reformed gospel, because of Christ-centeredness.

43.)  The new but old commandment is God-centeredness.

44.)  The new but old commandment is foreordaination.

45.)  The new but old commandment is the deity of Jesus.

46.)  The new but old commandment is the sinless humanity of Jesus Christ through the miraculous conception in the Virgin Mary by God the Holy Spirit.

47.)  The new but old commandment is to think like Jesus.

48.)  The new but old commandment is to act like Jesus.

49.)  The new but old commandment is to talk like Jesus.

50.)  The new but old commandment is to imitate Jesus by holiness.

51.)  The new but old commandment is to reject godhood.

52.)  The new but old commandment is to proclaim a Triune God alone from everlasting to everlasting.

53.)   The new but old commandment is hatred of evil but love of good, but there is a difference between civil good and Jesus' imputed unified goodness: namely, God's acceptance in standing before Him justified by faith alone that works by love.

54.)  The new but old commandment is service to widows and orphans because this is the essence of true religion.

55.)  The new but old commandment is glory for God's people.

56.)  The new but old commandment is the unknown heaven before heaven, because of the presence of Jesus preached.

57.)  The new but old commandment is a right interpretation of the written Scriptures that honors Jesus not man-centeredness.

58.)  The new but old commandment is attend the local church everyday in the honoring of Jesus Christ.

59.)  The new but old commandment is defense to stop the enemy, but offensive to proclaim the right meaning of the Word.

60.)  The new but old commandment is to take up the sword of David that is the written Word of God.

61.)  The new but old commandment is the sword of justice by the civil magistrate that a holy Triune God established for the restrainment of sin and the furtherance of society for the civil good but ultimately for the real redemption of the chosen of God.

62.)  The new but old commandment is Jesus lives and He sits at the right hand of Power.

63.)  The new but old commandment is do not negotiate with Satan.

64.)  The new but old commandment is do not get from Satan.

65.)  The new but old commandment is angels are unawares.

66.)  The new but old commandment is fight for Jesus.

67.)  The new but old commandment is take up a stone like the young Hobbit and fight for freedom under Treebeard.

68.)  The new but old commandment is the redemptive love of Jesus for His chosen alone.

69.)  The new but old commandment is prepare for war against Satan and his team of darkness.

70.)  The new but old commandment is to be like Rahab.

71.)  The new but old commandment is to be like Joshua.

72.)  The new but old commandment is to be like Moses.

74.)  The new but old commandment is to be like Beloved John.

75.)  The new but old commandment is to be like St. Stephen.

76.)  The new but old commandment is to be like St. Paul.

77.)  The new but old commandment is to walk to Jesus like St. Peter but the storms will take your attention off of Him and He will set your feet on ground that raging waves cannot undo.

78.)  The new but old commandment is to be first called like Andrew to Jesus Christ.

79.)  The new but old commandment is to pray like St. James.

80.)  The new but old commandment is to take care of family.

81.)  The new but old commandment is perseverance from Jesus.

82.)  The new but old commandment is do not underestimate the totally depraved nature of fallen man.

83.)  The new but old commandment is run in a sprint like Joseph when strange women seek you.

84.)  The new but old commandment is have the devil on the run.

85.)  The new but old commandment is handle money rightly.

86.)  The new but old commandment is have respect to those in authority but do not be misled.

87.)  The new but old commandment is do not commit civil crime.

88.)  The new but old commandment is redemptive change over civil change, but if redemptive change never comes remember the judgment of God against Cain.

89.)  The new but old commandment is do not fear because Jesus is always near.

90.)  The new but old commandment is do not love evil.

91.)  The new but old commandment is be apart of the Reformed local church but not a secret society.

92.)  The new but old commandment is do not love occultism.

93.)  The new but old commandment is hate Satan and demons.

94.)  The new but old commandment is God is still on His throne.

95.)  The new but old commandment is man is not sovereign. 

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