Monday, October 14, 2013

Thinking Unto Irony: 95-Disputations on Scriptural, Biblical and Spiritual Irony

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"Relativism says this: “truth is what you perceive it to be, and what is true for you may be false for somebody else.”  In our present society, you’re perfectly free to believe whatever you like, but the one thing you may not do is to deny its antithesis.  You can say, “I believe that this is true.”  But you cannot say with impunity that that which opposes it is false.  We have a whole generation of Christians who have been brainwashed by the spirit of relativism so they’re completely hesitant to say, “I deny that error over there.”  We don’t have heresy trials anymore because, in relativism, there is no such thing as heresy."  (R.C. Sproul. Feed My Sheep, ed. Don Kistler, Soli Deo Gloria Ministries, 2002, p. 144).

1.) There is a interpretation that is not interpretation.

2.)  There is a belief that is not a belief.

3.)  There is a peace that is not a peace.

4.)  There is a church that is not a church.

5.)  There is a way that is not a way.

6.)  There is a goodness that is not a goodness.

7.)  There is a life that is not a life.

8.)  There is a allegiance that is not a allegiance.

9.)  There is a truth that is not a truth.

10.)  There is an infallibility that is not an infallibility.

11.)  There is an inspiration that is not an inspiration.

12.)  There is a resurrection that is not a resurrection.

13.)  There is a restoration that is not a restoration.

14.)  There a pastor that is not a pastor.

15.)  There is a bishop that is not a bishop.

16.)  There is a elder that is not an elder.

17.)  There is study that is not a study.

18.)  There is a singing that is not a singing.

19.)  There is a preaching that is not a preaching.

20.)  There is a methodology that is not a methodology.

21.)  There is a church that is not a church.

22.)  There is a government that is not a government.

23.)  There is information that is not information.

24.)  There is a comfort that is not a comfort.

25.)  There is a love that is not a love.

26.)  There joy that is not a joy.

27.)  There patience that is not a patience.

28.)  There is kindness that is not a kindness.

29.)  There is a gentleness that is not a gentleness.

30.)  There is a self-control that is not a self-control.

31.)   There is a baptism that is not a baptism.

32.)  There is a regeneration that is not a regeneration.

33.)  There is a faith that is not a faith.

34.)  There is a justification that is not justification.

35.)  There is a sanctification that is not a sanctification.

36.)  There is a process that is not a process.

37.)  There is a virtue that is not a virtue.

38.)  There is a Word preached that is not a Word preached.

39.)  There is a friendship that is not a friendship.

40.)  There is a ministry that is not a ministry.

41.)  There is a fellowship that is not a fellowship.

42.)  There is an obedience that is not an obedience.

43.)  There is an strength that is not a strength.

44.)  There is a teacher that is not a teacher.

45.)  There is a reading of the Bible that is not the reading of the Bible.

46.)  There is a study of the Bible that is not the study of the Bible.

47.)  There is a truth that is not the truth.

48.)  There is a Bible that is not a Bible.

49.)  There is a song or hymn that is not a song or a hymn.

50.)  There are leaders that are not leaders.

51.)  There is a purpose that is not a purpose.

52.)  There is a righteousness that is not a righteousness.

53.)  There is a sympathy that is not a sympathy.

54.)  There is master that is not a master.

55.)  There is a God who is not a God.

56.)  There is a Jesus who is not a Jesus.

57.)  There is a Spirit who is not a Spirit.

58.)  There is an angel who is not an angel.

59.)  There is a demon that is a not a demon.

60.)  There is a freedom that is not a freedom.

61.)  There is a blessing that is not a blessing.

62.)  There is a grace that is not a grace.

63.)  There is a blindness that is not a blindness.

64.)  There is a atonement that is not an atonement.

65.)  There is a ascension that is not an ascension.

66.)  There is a crown that is not a crown.

67.)  There is a defense that is not a defense.

68.)  There is a life that is not a life.

69.)   There is an intercession that is not an intercession.

70.)  There is a prayer that is not a prayer.

71.)  There is a meaning that is not a meaning.

72.)  There is a power that is not a power.

73.)  There is a gospel that is not a gospel.

74.)  There is a teaching that is not a teaching.

75.)  There is a law that is not a law.

76.)  There is a redemption that is not a redemption.

77.)  There is a religion that is not a religion.

78.)  There is a godliness that is not a godliness.

79.)  There is an imputation that is not an imputation.

80.)  There is an assurance that is not an assurance.

81.)  There is a appearance that is not an appearance.

82.)  There is a Catholicism that is not a Catholicism.

83.)  There is a Christian that is not a Christian.

84.)  There is a warm heart that is not a warm heart.

85.)  There is a people of God that are not the people of God.

86.)  There is a Noah's Ark that is not Noah's Ark.

87.)  There is sinlessness that is not a sinlessness.

88.)  There is a judge that is not a judge.

89.)  There is a saint who is not a saint.

90.)  There is a philosophy that is not a philosophy.

91.)  There is a theology that is not a theology.

92.)  There is a way to God that is not a way to God.

93.)  There is a prophecy that is not a prophecy.

94.)  There is a mental illness that is not a mental illness.

95.)  There is a miracle that is not a miracle.
"It is not the being seen of men that is wrong, but doing these things for the purpose of being seen of men. The problem with the hypocrite is his motivation. He does not want to be holy; he only wants to seem to be holy. He is more concerned with his reputation for righteousness than about actually becoming righteous. The approbation of men matters more to him than the approval of God."  (Augustine).

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