Saturday, October 12, 2013

A Tiny Tract on Faithful Christian Unity and a Rational Suggestion for Law Enforcement, etc.

Speaking in Tongues
1.)  To bring about Christian unity among the people of God especially in Evangelical and Reformed circles, may we come to this conclusion: namely, the time frame of the biblical superintendence of tongues has ceased in God-speaking self-authentication in the limited 66 books yet inexhaustible Scriptures since the time of the Book of Acts.  However, a compromise that is not a compromise but still Christ-honoring would be the biblical approach of Pastor Steve Stolher of Evangelical Baptist Church where we sing some part of the hymn or Psalm in Hebrew, but before it is song we are told the pronunciation where everyone understands the sound, meaning and usage of the Hebrew.  That is, it does not have to be in Hebrew alone, but any language that the ruling eldership has trained to share languages for the honor of Jesus and His glory.   It could start in Bible Study and work its way into the fellowship singing of the local church in most of the hymn song in English but the little repetitions song in Hebrew (for example).  Would my brothers and sisters in Christ use this as a way of as harmless unity so we honor Christ instead of all go our own way?  The audience you are responsible to is the Lord.  Let's make a choice for the essence of His honor.

Music, Entertainment, and Worship
2.)  Would it be so hard to bring unity among the body of Christ where we merely use one instrument regarding the piano on the Lord's Day instead of a various amount of instruments?   What if we used the instruments during the week in a fellowship of praise with "one beat or two beats" in hymn and Psalm worship?  Is this too hard to ask that we may have a simplicity of fellowship in honor of Jesus to imitate the perfect unity of heaven?  Unity is about the absence of pride but the presence of the honor of Jesus.

Resurrection Sunday
3.)  Would it be too hard to ask people with different views on Sunday that we dedicate all we can to holiness, prayer and cooperate worship?  Would it be too much to ask that Resurrection Sunday means the Lord's Day but it also means the Christian Sabbath?  If all of it means have it set apart, is there any harm done?  There are works of necessity but primarily it is about the honor of Jesus.  The weaker brother will honor Jesus on Sunday in various things, but the stronger brother will honor Jesus will exclusive things.  Let each brother be convinced in his own mind to honor Christ and let not brother judge brother be let everyone be convinced in their own spiritual maturity.  It is a question of intent and motive and practice in the context of lawfulness that is not Pharisaical but honoring Jesus.  There is a sense where Jesus obeyed the law of God perfectly where all non-sinful things are acceptable.  If a brother does not want to watch sports, he should not watch sports on Sunday.  If a brother wants to ride a bike, he should ride a bike.  Do you worship Jesus in these things?  That is the key and if that is done all days of the week should be Sunday.  This should also apply to everyday of the week, but there is a real sense where Sunday is specially set apart among all days.  Yet a worship-devotion should be for everyday of Christian practice.  Seventh-Day Adventist people on Saturday essential to being right with God (as I have encountered), but what if we say that from Monday to Saturday we are to live holy that is essential to obedience, but that Christ alone is essential for salvation.  We honor Sunday because of the resurrection, but if a faithful Christian wants to honor Saturday in special devotion to the Lord it is good.  In our example, we have a fellowship meal among Christian friends on Saturday.  We talk about the good Lord and other interesting things.  Wednesday is also honored, because of past fellowship in the history of the church.  It is true that everyday is a way to honor Jesus.  Would it hurt anyone to come together on Wednesdays and Sundays with a special emphasis?

Law Enforcement 
4.)  I have seen through eyewitness testimony that it is a universal practice among law enforcement to use favors to let crimes pass (I mean unlawful favors like sexual favors).  What can be done to fix this problem?  As far as I know, a law enforcement person has a special computer in their vehicle.  Let's suppose there is someone who has broken the law and totally broke the speed limit.  The police man pulls them over, but instead of a ticket and summons to court there is a counsel of the policeman, Judge, defendent, and appointed lawyer (wouldn't this save everyone money?).  [My advise to law enforcement create your own network computer and keep it secret because there are those who use technology as a weapon against those in law like an unNSA NSA.  How do I know this?  I am eyewitness testimony to this at two different occasions.]  The case is decided from the policeman's computer where the Judge and appointed lawyer are immediately summoned on call at the subject's short detainment but there is a sense where everyone seeks the truth at least in a optimistic approach.  The case is immediately brought to light and it is decided, but it should all be an open approach where a mercy is remembered in light of justice and also the defendant may contact an on call law enforcement person to lesser the penalty of the outcome where the indictment is lifted.  It could also be that the law enforcement person lets a person go by merely stopping them for a traffic violation (that alone is a sign of correction) and then letting them go after they explain the rush they travel in and past violations.  I think the delay from the consideration and recognition of the crime between that and hearing the case in court is an ungodly temptation where the real offenders in some cases gets off with an ungodly favor that causes a pass of a crime through sinful acts and violations of the pursuit of justice.  The question comes down to the meaning of justice.  Mercy is satisfied through justice.  This is a picture of the Cross: namely, that is where Jesus absorbed God's justice in our behalf to show mercy to many.  All law people should take a seminary class on the Cross (One day I hope to have it online through my Seminary).   The more serious the crime is really a matter of the local church, because it is where we have failed.   The local church is there to bear the burden, but many shun those to bear the burden and only accept the burden of those who are of their local fellowship.  There is a sense where this is good in the meaning, but there is a broader and biblical application to bearing the burden.  

Psychiatric Solutions
5.)  I think there is a real sense that traumatized human beings may come to a point of a chemical imbalance.  I have been eyewitness testimony to the fraud of it and in the larger scheme of things it is destination that comes about by the very people who treat the alleged "disease."  That is, the very people who treat it by outward appearance are involved in the causing of paining while weighing the motives.  I mean in my eyewitness testimony it is like this: namely, these psychiatric doctors and nurses commit brutal rape and than later on they treat the very people that have harmed.  Scientology would disregard chemical medication, but here is where they are wrong unless like the unjust Kennedy case where they butchered a family member's brain which caused damage for life.  My prayer is that there will be an establishment of the abolishment of psychiatric hospitals due to this that not only extends to me but hundreds with the private practice of Christian medical doctors in a church affiliated environment where the people of God minister to the burden of the ill.  The ill is really a question for the church.  The medical doctor could prescribe chemical medications through the ministering people of God with the Word preached, communion received, prayer practiced, and rejoicing to the Lord that He is working out His purpose for the good and glory of Jesus Christ.  I also think therapy can be enhanced through companionship with animals for all ages.  Noah's pet giraffe helped me look up to God and see the heavens open with a rising sun that shed a light on a dark world.  The very walls of a psychiatric hospital is enough to take you out of your mind.  There should be a segregation of treatment for each patient.  What do I mean?   Every patient has their need of accommodation.  There should be a place-to-place hospital with the Christian church to bear the burden of even military individuals or anyone in need. 

What happened to the commands of Jesus?
6.)  Christians are called to expose the deeds of darkness, but people have a caviler notion of forgiveness.  There is a sense of biblical discernment and compassion.  Mercy is not a furtherance of evil but the honor and glory of Jesus.  Unjust mercy is like handing Satan the world, but he always passes to Judas.  The immediate context of exposing the deeds of darkness is false teachers and ungodly living, but the broader context is a meaning of exposing all ungodly applications of fallen sinners that involve serious violations of the civil magistrate (an unFEMA FEMA in kidnapping and abduction through the elitist Iscariot Balaamists). 

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